T-Mobile Match Play presented by MGM Rewards

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Shadow Creek

Sei Young Kim

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, I'm here with Sei Young Kim after her second round at match play. Just talk about the conditions today and kind of how you battled through it?

SEI YOUNG KIM: As you can feel it, it's gusting wind all day. I expect really it's going to be tough course so I prepare for how do I play the course, strategy before I tee off.

Yeah, I played what I imagined before I tee off. So even then it's a tough day. It's not easy.

Q. And what kind of mental strength does that take as well? I know you probably weren't happy with your round today, but you're still tied for the lead.

SEI YOUNG KIM: I mean the 20 mile wind we have to keep the fairway, and then even miss the green you have to where is into the wind area around the green. That's, yeah, biggest deal.

Even par-4 we have to -- sometimes bogey is best, so, yeah, which is mean it's really challenging today.

Yeah, I'm very happy just 2-over, even 2-over. Yeah, we have a couple more days, tomorrow, and then, yeah.

So, yeah, I don't know yet tomorrow weather, so, yeah, just depend what's the weather if it's total different.

Q. I was going to ask you, how do you transition mentally as well from going to a course last week where maybe there wasn't this many conditions, not as firm, to this week?

SEI YOUNG KIM: Yeah, especially I like -- but even tough golf course and then tough condition, I kind of enjoyed it. It's fun. A lot of factors on the green and it's challenging every hole, pass the hole, another challenging.

But we have to overcome each hole, so I don't know, I like it. It's fun, yeah.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
143019-1-1041 2024-04-05 01:46:00 GMT

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