T-Mobile Match Play presented by MGM Rewards

Friday, April 5, 2024

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Shadow Creek

Nelly Korda


Q. Incredible round of golf today. Round of 69 in these conditions. Did you enjoy it out there?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, I mean I think it's -- I would say yes and no. It got really cold towards the end, but there is something fun about golf when you get to play in these conditions whereas I said, the creativity of golf comes out and I really enjoy it.

Q. You've played well in tough conditions over the last couple weeks with those two victories. What is it about difficult conditions this brings out the best in you?

NELLY KORDA: I think I just have to dial in way more. My focus is 100%. Not saying that it's not when the conditions are great, but there is just something that you have to do when the conditions are tough where you just have to dial in a little bit more.

Yeah, it's been working out for me.

Q. It's not finished yet, but looks like you're going to be inside the top eight. What adjustments do you need to make as you switch to match play?

NELLY KORDA: This golf course is so tough already. I guess just play a little bit more aggressive.

I have never played this event. This is my first time. I know a couple of the girls obviously have played in a match play on this golf course.

So just going to stick to my game, play aggressive where I can, and I know that probably pars are going to win a lot of the holes out here with how firm it's playing.

So not change a lot of the my tactics but maybe play a little bit more aggressive.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
143043-1-1041 2024-04-05 23:12:00 GMT

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