T-Mobile Match Play presented by MGM Rewards

Friday, April 5, 2024

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Shadow Creek

Moriya Jutanugarn

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Moriya after she just won after the third playoff hole birdie to advance to the quarterfinal matches. Just talk about the pressures of the playoff and birdieing youngest last hole.

MORIYA JUTANUGARN: Yeah, I think it's like at the start like at the beginning, we had like four balls and it kind of feel like it's -- I mean, I had a feeling it's going to be fun no matter I make it or not.

Like it's almost like a Four-Ball like U.S. Open round with a lot of people and a little complicated.

Q. Talk about standing over this last birdie putt. I'm sure you felt some pressure over the putt maybe a little bit.

MORIYA JUTANUGARN: Just what I say, I'm pretty like enjoy the day. Like it's just because I, you know, like stay with what I want to do. That's pretty much all I wanted today.

And just what I say, like no matter I make it or not, I just felt I already like felt pretty good about the day.

Q. And the playoff maybe would've warmed you up for match play starting tomorrow. Any thoughts on change of strategy headed into tomorrow after three rounds of stroke play?

MORIYA JUTANUGARN: Well, depends on how like the weather is like, because the last two day was been very windy. I don't think the strategy is going to be change. This golf course is very good for the match play, and I just feel like it's going to be another day and just try and enjoy it.

Q. When the day started, considering where you were, did you think there was a chance of reaching the top eight or were you just trying to shoot the best score you could?

MORIYA JUTANUGARN: To be honest, no. I just felt like yesterday was a tough day for me and I don't really hit it well.

Then I just like wake up this morning and I just want to do what I've been working on and really commit to the shots. I really felt like it kind of help, you know, to stay playing like one shot at a time today.

Q. Did you watch scoreboards at all as you were making all those birdies? Did the possibilities start to sink in?

MORIYA JUTANUGARN: Not really. I don't think I really watch a scoreboard all day today. Just what I say, I try to commit to what I want to do one shot at a time.

I kind of felt like it's help, especially in this condition. I feel like I enjoy myself today on the golf course more than anything.

Q. It was one of the lowest rounds we saw out there today. How do you think you entered the day as well, just thinking about your game and how to prepare for the conditions and be prepared?

MORIYA JUTANUGARN: On this course, especially with the wind and the weather we have the last two days, it's more like you have to take good shot. Probably going to be like 30- or 20-footers, and it's kind of like you want to be hitting it solid otherwise going to be a lot of trouble out there.

Just what I say, like trying to stay patient is pretty much the most important things.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
143052-1-1041 2024-04-06 01:40:00 GMT

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