T-Mobile Match Play presented by MGM Rewards

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Shadow Creek

Leona Maguire

Quick Quotes

Q. Here with Leona Maguire after her semifinal round at the T-Mobile Match Play presented by MGM Rewards. Very, very tight match between and you Sei Young. Just take us through it.

LEONA MAGUIRE: Yeah, got off to a nice start; was 2-up early and she sort of hung in there and battled back.

Yeah, just a steady round of golf really. I think when you're doing these 36 hole days it's who makes the least mistakes almost, especially on a golf course like today.

Yeah, really happy how I played. Looking forward to tomorrow.

Q. Going up against Nelly, just talk about her as competitor and what kind of challenge she brings in the match play aspect.

LEONA MAGUIRE: Yeah, Nelly is the best in the world right now. She's on a really hot streak. It's been incredibly impressive what she's been doing in the past few weeks.

It's going to be a really tough battle tomorrow. I've got a big challenge ahead of me. I'm excited. I mean, that's why you practice. You want to play the best players in the world and that's what Nelly is.

Yeah, hopefully we have a great match tomorrow.

Q. Seems like a repeat every time you come in here. I just played a steady round of golf, steady round of golf. Is that the key to Shadow Creek?

LEONA MAGUIRE: Yeah, I think you have to be incredibly patient. For me, my game, I just plot my way around the golf course. It's changed every round to be honest. We haven't had the same clubs off all tees. Different holes have played differently depending on the wind, and the wind of slightly different again this afternoon.

You just have to take it as it comes. Yeah, I mean, it's a great golf course, and really, really excited to get to play it one more time tomorrow.

Q. Nelly may be the best player in the world right now, but looking at Solheim history, 4-0 against her, but you always had a partner. Do you draw on that success or is this a brand new day?

LEONA MAGUIRE: Yeah, I think every round around here is a brand new day. Me and Nelly have our gone head to head a couple times. But either way it's going to be a lot of fun tomorrow.

Like I said, she's playing some unbelievable golf right now. This entire week has been all about embracing the challenge. Early in the week that was the golf course, it was the weather. Tomorrow it will be whatever Nelly brings.

I have a huge amount of respect for her and excited to get to go up against her tomorrow.

Q. After a week like this and a course like this, is it good to have a week off before a major?

LEONA MAGUIRE: Yeah, either way, whatever happens tomorrow I think I'm incredibly proud of the way I played this week. Really happy where my game is at, and I think we couldn't have asked for a better preparation leading into Chevron.

So, yeah, we'll get through tomorrow first, and then rest, recover, and sort of fine tune a few things, and get ready for Houston next week.

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143096-1-1041 2024-04-07 00:51:00 GMT

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