T-Mobile Match Play presented by MGM Rewards

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Shadow Creek

Nelly Korda

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: All right, joined now by Nelly Korda, winner of the T-Mobile Match Play presented by MGM Rewards.

Four in a row. Talk about the day and the emotions and everything that goes along with that.

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, gosh, I can't even wrap my head around it honestly. Such a whirlwind of the last three weeks. I just feel like I was just in go-mode constantly.

It will be nice to go home and see my whole family. Jess is driving up with Greyson, so I'm super excited. Yeah, played really well today. Just stuck to my game plan of fairways and greens and made the least amount of mistakes.

Q. It's been such a long couple weeks obviously. I want to take it back a little bit to the third day of stroke play. Knowing you had to play your way in and then the run you went on afterwards, what were your thoughts heading into that day and just maybe build off that momentum using that round?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, I think the third day was actually the toughest day weather-wise we had. It was blowing really hard and the weather was really cold as well.

So I was thinking -- I was at 2-over, so I was thinking that could possibly get in if I just shoot even. I started rolling some birdies in on the front nine and I was like, okay, I'm hitting it really well, feeling pretty good; let's see how low I can go.

The back nine plays a lot harder I feel like. I feel like there is definitely -- there are more opportunities on the front nine when it comes off the tee and the greens.

Yeah, just got it really going on the front nine on the third day and then kind of eased into it on the back nine.

Q. On today, to get off to a fast start is obviously important in any match. Given the back nine here, how important is that to have a lead when you make the turn?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, it's always nice to get a lead kind of like a cushion in a sense. But it's Leona. She's such a fiery competitor. I knew when I lost those two holes in a row, 13 and 14, that I really needed to put my foot down to finish the match off.

It was kind of an interesting day. Kind of Leona hit some putts that she obviously normally wouldn't, but just stayed in my own bubble really.

Q. When we look at the notes now we see your name with Kathy Whitworth and Nancy Lopez, and Annika and Lorena. What comes to your mind when you see your name with those people?

NELLY KORDA: It's such an honor. Kathy's really good friend actually texted me last week a photo of me being compared to Kathy on social media. I wrote her back that it's an honor to be alongside her.

I used to play in her event growing up, The Kathy Whitworth Invitational in Texas, and meeting her and getting to talk to her was always the highlight of my year.

She was always so, so nice, so getting compared to Kathy Whitworth is a huge honor.

Q. Obviously you go for five in a row now; it's a major but you get this week off first. You were saying on TV just being home and being able to rest and get in your own bed is what you're looking forward to first.

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, it's the little things in life. Just sleeping in your own bed.

Q. After you played the course several times now, what's the first thing that comes to your mind of Shadow Creek after this experience?

NELLY KORDA: Well, one, I mean, when, when you drive into the facility it just doesn't feel like you're in Vegas.

It's absolutely breathtaking. Such an amazing, amazing golf course. It is brutal though. It was so hard. It has tested every part of my game.

I appreciate that. I think golf courses like that are so much fun play. They're so frustrating where you're just like you walk off the hole and you're just so frustrated there is a couple swear words going through your head.

But I would say that it almost played like all the majors combined ans tested our game this week.

Yeah, it's been a lot of fun.

Q. Obviously you exude? Excellence. Your family exudes excellence. How do you define the word "excellence"?

NELLY KORDA: How do I define the word excellence? I don't know. Just showing up every day and being your true self; going out and giving 100% every single day and being consistent, being true to yourself.

Q. You mentioned in the past that in each of these wins you learn something about yourself. What have you learned over this run about yourself?

NELLY KORDA: That even when I'm really, really low on energy and everything, that if I go out, do my thing, stay committed, stay in my own bubble, I can compete well at a good level.

Q. You talked about with Golf Channel how important your fitness routine was during your break. How different might your body feel right now if this was a different season where you were healthy but you didn't have that seven-week break focusing on your fitness versus how you feel now?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, I don't know. That's an answer I'll probably never have an answer to. I'm unsure. I mean, I'm grateful for all the work that I have put in, and we did put a lot of work in to it.

So, yeah, I mean, at the end of the day everyone is just trying to get better. Either it's off the course or on the course.

So that was just an aspect that I really wanted to work on in that seven-week break and it's been paying off quite well. It's still the beginning the season. We haven't even hit the first major of the year.

But what I really -- my goal into this year was to be happy and healthy.

Q. What did a typical workout look like during that period?

NELLY KORDA: A secret. No, just a lot of strengthening in areas that -- I don't want to train like a golfer, I want to train like an athlete. Thankfully my team and I, we all have the same outlook on it. Just honestly, just a full body strengthening session.

Q. Congrats, Nelly. Obviously physical stamina, but your mental stamina right now, winning four in a row, how are you feeling mentally? Clearly okay because you looked super dominant the last couple weeks.

NELLY KORDA: Honestly, I'm feeling really good. I don't know if it's going to hit me when I get home but I feel really good.

Thankfully I have a lot of consistency in my life. I see the same people every single day. I do the same stuff every single day. I try to stay in my own little bubble, and I feel like mentally that's the best thing that you can do for your mental health, is stay in a routine.

Q. You talked a lot about your team. Is there one person in particular that's been super critical to this recent success or just a collective?

NELLY KORDA: No, just a collective. Everything has clicked a little bit more. Everyone plays the same exact role and same exact importance for me.

Q. I guess last one from me. It takes a lot of probably self-belief, self-inspiration to have a run like you are on right now. What are you drawing upon as you just keep going and keep playing such good golf?

NELLY KORDA: I just love competing. I love golf. I hopefully am inspiring the next generation.

But there is no greater thrill for me than competing and being out here and seeing the girls and going head to head for a title.

There is no greater feeling, and I have to say I just love the sport so much and I just love competing.

Q. Last one for real this time.

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, right.

Q. How are you going to celebrate? Almond croissant after Ford. Any pastries?

NELLY KORDA: Oh, my gosh, so I went to

Paris Baguette, I think. Is that what it's called? I got so much stuff. For the whole team and I. Not just for me, okay.

Then I think we're going to get In-N-Out burger and Five Guys fries. Yeah, great combination. I feel like that's just an elite combination. It's just like I don't do -- I don't drink so I'm just carb loading.

Q. We love a carb.


Q. Last one from me. Obviously can't let you go without talking a little Solheim. Nice little preview and hopefully a good omen for September?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, you know, Leona is such a great competitor. I'm pretty sure she has the winning edge on me when it comes to 1 v. 1 in Solheim Cup.

I knew that today was going to be a battle, but hopefully this is a good preview for September.

THE MODERATOR: Thank you so much, Nelly. Congrats again.

NELLY KORDA: Thank you.

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