T-Mobile Match Play presented by MGM Rewards

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Shadow Creek

Carlota Ciganda

Quick Quotes

Q. Here with Carlota Ciganda after her second round at the T-Mobile Match Play presented by MGM Rewards.

One of, if not the only, bogey-free we've seen so far this tournament. What was working so well and how were you able to take advantage of the course today?

CARLOTA CIGANDA: Yeah, I play very solid the last two days. I feel like I've been hitting lots of greens and I think that's key in Shadow Creek. If you can hit fairways and greens and avoid those bogeys, those mistakes, I think it's big.

And, yeah, my putting was working so I made some good putts, some good saves, and then, yeah, I played really good and take advantage of the holes that I hit good shots.

Yeah, make five birdies, no bogeys, so very happy with a bogey-free round.

Q. How different has maybe your strategy to attack this course changed going from solely match play to now introducing stroke play?

CARLOTA CIGANDA: I think pretty similar. I'm a pretty aggressive player. I like going for pins and I like going for par-5s in two.

So I don't think we've changed much. I think my caddie is doing a really good job on all the lines and then where do we want to carry and all the bounces because the greens are pretty firm and fast.

Yeah, I really enjoy this golf course. I like the mental challenge that it is. You finish exhausted but it's good fun.

Q. T3 finish last week. Where does your game feel right now? It's still early in the season, but how does your game feel and what are you still maybe trying to work on?

CARLOTA CIGANDA: Yeah, been playing good the last week in Phoenix and this week. I feel like I put a couple good weeks of practice with my coach. He's been coming to tournaments so that's always nice.

And I just love competing. I think when I am out there I just fight, I just give everything, and I think sometimes that's what you need. Just go out there, compete, and the game is there.

Q. Clean card, but no birdies on any of the par-5s. Is that frustrating or does that say something about Shadow Creek's par-5s?

CARLOTA CIGANDA: Yeah, I mean, on 18 I could have gone, but we decided to layup because obviously not making a bogey was a good decision.

I would like to see some birdies. In the past I've played good the par-5s. I didn't hit great tee shots the last couple days on par-5s so I think that's why.

Yeah, I would like to see some red numbers there.

Q. And then strategy going into tomorrow when you know the top eight move on, do you try and protect where you are or do you just continue to stay aggressive?

CARLOTA CIGANDA: Just going to, yeah, stay aggressive, stay in the present. It's going to be a tough day, very windy.

So I don't care about the result. I just want to stay in the moment, in the present, try my best on each shot, and I think if I do that, I'm going to be fine.

Q. We talked about it as you were walking in, but you had a good crowd following you, a couple vamoses. What does that support mean to you?

CARLOTA CIGANDA: So my family is here. My parents, one of my uncles, and two of my really good friends from back home. I play golf with them pretty much every day when I am there.

Yeah, since I was in college they been coming to one event a year and they picked Vegas this year. They're just loving it. They're great golfers and really enjoying Shadow Creek.

It's always nice to have family close to me.

Q. Another Solheim Cup year; Olympics this year. How much of a goal is it to make both those teams again and represent Spain?

CARLOTA CIGANDA: Yeah, I mean, it's always an honor to represent Spain and Europe. I love playing for the team as everyone knows.

Yeah, hopefully I can be there in September with the team and with Suzann and the vice captains, but there is a lot of golf to be played.

Yeah, I would love to be in Paris as well representing Spain, and hopefully getting medal.

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