T-Mobile Match Play presented by MGM Rewards

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Shadow Creek

Rose Zhang


Q. I've watched Rose enough to know you're disappointed with a bogey, bogey finish. Overall, conditions were so tough today. The scoring average this afternoon was 78. Nobody shot under par this afternoon.


Q. Can you compare this round today and the conditions to anything you played in relative recent history?

ROSE ZHANG: I mean, it's a little difficult to say because Shadow on its own is always a very difficult golf course and very easy to shoot over par here.

With the wind, makes it tenfold a lot harder. So when I saw like a little bit of the scores and the cut line, I mean, it justifies how difficult we played it today.

I don't know. I played in difficult conditions before, but at the same time, this definitely was up there in terms of difficulty.

Q. What did you say to yourself mentally to prepare for today? You knew the winds would be up. When you were actually out there fighting the golf course, fighting Mother Nature, how do you keep yourself from completely losing control? Could have been so easy to do in this 40+ mile an hour wind.

ROSE ZHANG: 100%. Especially with the winds today it was not constant. It was actually swirling. I think that was also a factor into how difficult it played.

Coming in, I kind of figured that scores were going to be very difficult. It was very difficult to make birdie out there.

But as long as you commit to a yardage, a club, then at that point you just have to full send it. That was mainly the mindset. I knew today was going to be a grind and it proved to be.

Q. On a scale of one to ten, how exhausted are you right now?

ROSE ZHANG: Solid, solid 7. Yeah, it's been quite a while since I've been playing in this type of weather on this type of golf course, and, I mean, I'm proud that I was able to stick it in, but there is always room for improvement.

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143017-1-1041 2024-04-05 01:23:00 GMT

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