T-Mobile Match Play presented by MGM Rewards

Friday, April 5, 2024

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Shadow Creek

Angel Yin

Quick Quotes

Q. Okay, here with Angel Yin after her third round at the T-Mobile Match Play presented by MGM Rewards. Tough day. Another tough day with tough conditions. What went into the round and how were you able to combat those conditions?

ANGEL YIN: Well, starting out we had par and then it quickly went really south, double-double. The first double my caddie and I didn't communicate that well. We got really lucky in the draw. We didn't have to experience the wind that much in the afternoon yesterday while everyone else did.

So we hadn't had the chance and opportunity to discuss something so challenging in a situation so challenging, so we didn't communicate that well. Then we readjusted, but conditions were tough, so another mistake happened leading to another double.

Afterwards we adjusted on the back nine and it really showed up we collaborated better. I think that's a big takeaway from today going into the weekend. I think weekend forecasted heavy winds as well, and so we need really good, top-notch collaboration to be able to come out on top hopefully.

Q. What has this week done for your confidence knowing it's your first round back after injury and you're a top eight finish on a very tough track with a lot of great players in the field? What does that do for your confidence moving forwards?

ANGEL YIN: I mean, definitely it's boosting it. It's boosting my ego. Just kidding, just my confidence.

Yeah, it's just reassuring and really nice to know that I'm not playing that terrible coming off an injury not playing for a very -- not very long time, but for like a few months of the season already.

So, yeah, it's only positives going into the major in two weeks from now.

Q. Seems like your driving distance has gotten a little longer since coming back from the injury. Do you have any idea why that's happening, and is that something you expected?

ANGEL YIN: Well, it's because I think I rested and I feel healthier because I've had the time not to travel and just stay in one place.

Even though I was going to sleep at 2:00 in the morning I was having a schedule where I wasn't like I'm traveling from Singapore to LA and adjust immediately, not have time to cleanse my body and get ready of my bugs. My bugs. (Smiling.)

Q. Your reward for playing so well is you get to play Nelly tomorrow.

ANGEL YIN: Is that what it is?

Q. Yes.

ANGEL YIN: Wow, nice. Maybe I can teach her PlayStation. That's my thought.

Q. Would you prefer to just take that challenge on now or would you -- is it good for your game to take on the best right away?

ANGEL YIN: I mean, I guess we can call her the best, but I think everyone differs from the course, because if we want to say the best, Leona is actually the best right now coming out on top with this wind and conditions.

I think the top eight people, whoever comes out from the playoff, are all the best, so just have to get into it. Whoever it is, just have to face on.

Q. So it's more focusing on your own game; doesn't matter who you're playing at this point?

ANGEL YIN: I think so, because this course is so challenging. In the past few years I've been playing it I've understood that it doesn't really matter how good you can play. When you get into this golf course, the situations you face can make anyone go sideways. We kind of saw that in my group this week, today actually. She's an awesome player. Conditions were just really, really tough.

Q. Last question from me: You, Rose, Nelly, all on the Solheim team last year; Solheim Cup coming up again. Is this a time to send a good message to Team Europe ahead of September?

ANGEL YIN: Yeah. Yeah, I mean, look at us. We're doing really well. Nelly went out and won three in a row. They know we're coming. All our team members are doing really well, and I think the captain is really happy to see that. Haven't spoken to them much.

I know they're always watching and the stats guys in in the corners crunching the numbers, so we're coming strong this year hopefully.

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143051-2-1041 2024-04-06 01:12:00 GMT

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