Solheim Cup

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Gainesville, Virginia, USA

Robert Trent Jones Golf Club

Team Europe

Leona Maguire

Quick Quotes

Q. Another classic singles performance from yourself. How would you assess the match?

LEONA MAGUIRE: Yeah, I felt like I played great golf today. I feel like I've been playing really great golf all week in practice, and it was a bitter pill to swallow to be sat out for as many sessions as I was, but I thought I got a point to prove today, and I love the Solheim Cup, I love match play, and I really wanted to deliver a point for the team today, and nice to do that.

Q. Big story coming in today was that you hadn't played more sessions. What did Suzann give as a reason for behind that?

LEONA MAGUIRE: She didn't give much reason, to be honest. The feeling I got was that I was a little bit too short and didn't make enough birdies, but I think proved today there's more than one way to skin a cat, and I think I made plenty of birdies today.

Captain's decision. I'm a team player, and all I could do today was come out and win my point, and that's what I did.

Q. Coming out today was there extra fuel in the fire for yourself or was it just classic get a point on the board?

LEONA MAGUIRE: Yeah, it's Solheim Cup. I don't need any extra motivation to go out and try to win my point, but yeah, there probably was a little bit extra there, not going to lie.

But ultimately it's what's best for the team this week, and I would have loved the opportunity to try and deliver more points for the team, but I did what I could today.

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148300-1-1041 2024-09-15 18:23:00 GMT

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