BMW Ladies Championship

Friday, 22 October 2021

Busan, South Korea

LPGA International Busan

Jin Young Ko

Press Conference

JIN YOUNG KO: So yesterday it was raining. So that made the play very tough. But the weather was much better today. So I think I was able to play well.

But yesterday I didn't play as well as I had expected. However, today I started off in 10, so I think that kind of relieved my pressure as well. So my swing went well, my putting went well, and overall that made me able to snatch many birdies.

Q. You did have a lot of birdies out there on your bogey-free round. When did you start to feel the momentum click for you today?

JIN YOUNG KO: So actually the first hole, I missed the second shot. It didn't land on the green. However, I chipped well. So I was able to score a birdie. And that kind of made me gain the momentum.

So I think my swing went well, and it felt different than yesterday, and everything went well, the putting. So I think that kind of everything came together today.

Q. Having a birdie on No. 9 there, just how much more confidence did you feel closing out your round today as compared to yesterday?

JIN YOUNG KO: My goal is always to snatch birdies. However, that wasn't the case. So today there was ups and downs, but at the end of the day, at the last hole, I was able to score birdie.

And I think that kind of sets the tone for the following day because I wrapped up well. So I think it kind of gives you the sense of comfort for the following day.

Q. (Question in Korean.)

JIN YOUNG KO: I went to bed yet at 8:30, and I woke up at 5:30, so I slept well.

Q. So we said many times and your family members said that it was a shame that your streak in the 60s came to an end yesterday. So who told you what?

JIN YOUNG KO: So actually my friends and even my parents, you know, give me a lot of encouragement yesterday after my streak in the 60s came to an end. And my mother was like, you know, oh, what is it that gives you such a hard time? Because I think that she felt so bad. She felt like I wasn't enjoying the game and the tournament. But that wasn't the case. But I feel like my mother knew me better than myself.

Q. So you played solid today, and you also snatched three wins this season. So what's the secret behind such a strong performance?

JIN YOUNG KO: Well, I think that every tournament comes and I try to do my best in every single tournament.

Q. Any game keys that you have?

JIN YOUNG KO: Well, I think that I tried to focus on the course management and tried to create the right mood and the tone when I start off in the tournament and the games.

And I think that I still have to work on my swing and my putting. So I will do my best on that.

Q. Do you think you're on track with your game plans?

JIN YOUNG KO: Yes, I hope so. But we still have two more days to play. And there are so many strong players who are leading the tournament right now. So we'll see.

Q. You actually had consecutive rounds in the 60s for three months, and that's quite a performance and a feat. So what was the driving force behind you staying so calm? Because I think that you have to keep calm, and you have to work on your putting, and I'm sure that you didn't have much thoughts like going behind, but what was the motivation behind that?

JIN YOUNG KO: Well, I think whenever I play, I try to receive feedback immediately, so what went well and what didn't go so well. So I tried to receive that. And I think I personally always aim for perfection.

But even when I don't play as good as I have expected, I do not get depressed. So I think I'm resilient in that sense. And I try to play more aggressively, and I try to focus on snatching more birdies than on the 60s.

Q. When you actually had the streak in the 60s for three months, were you satisfied with your play?

JIN YOUNG KO: Well, actually, in terms of swings, I think that if I look back, the past three months, if I were to give the score out of hundred, I would give (indiscernible). And I think that today's play was hundred out of hundred.

Q. So unfortunately your streak in the 60s came to an end yesterday, but you started off very solidly today. And you also gave yourself a hundred out of hundred. So do you expect to break the record once again starting today?

JIN YOUNG KO: Yes, yesterday I scored in the 70s. In that sense, I think that I am resilient because I scored in the 60s today. And I think it takes more than my ambition such as luck and support.

So, of course, yes, I want to enjoy breaking that record; however, I will just take (indiscernible).

Q. You said that you had a chip-in birdie. Can I ask how many chip-in birdies you had today and how many putt-ins?

JIN YOUNG KO: Well, I think it was one chip-in birdie and 24 putt-ins. So 10 in the front nine and 14 in the back nine.

Q. If a Korean player wins this tournament, that will mark the 200th win for an LPGA tournament. What are your plans for that?

JIN YOUNG KO: Well, I think there is a high chance for a Korean player to mark that 200th, and I hope that I become the lucky player. But we will have to see because there are so many strong players leading the tournament.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
113951-1-1222 2021-10-22 06:01:00 GMT

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