BMW Ladies Championship

Saturday, 23 October 2021

Busan, South Korea

LPGA International Busan

Na Rin An

Quick Quotes

Q. I know getting off to a little bit of a rocky start on the front nine, that bogey on the opening hole. How did you regroup to kind of set yourself straight as you continued on?

NA RIN AN: So I know I had that bogey on the first hole, but there were so many holes left, and I just knew I had a lot of birdie opportunities in front of me. And so I think I was able to overcome the rough start.

Q. You came alive there on the back nine, being able to fire off the birdies that you did. What clicked for you when you made the turn?

NA RIN AN: So I wouldn't say I was on fire in the last nine holes. I did get birdies, but I also made a bogey. So I think the determining factor was the putting at the end of the day.

Q. The last hole at the end of your day, being able to close with that birdie, how satisfying was that for you, and how does that set the tone heading into tomorrow?

NA RIN AN: I feel like I can look forward to tomorrow a little bit more because I closed that final hole with a birdie.

Q. Does that take some of the pressure off as you get ready for that final round, and do you like chasing the lead like you will be tomorrow?

NA RIN AN: So I think definitely having that nice finish does ease the pressure a little. And like you said, I'm in the position where I'm really trying to catch up to the lead.

And I think that that pressure is actually going to be beneficial for me tomorrow, and I think that I'll be really able to enjoy the position that I am in tomorrow.

Q. How satisfied are you with your play over the last three days, and are you proud of where you'll be heading into tomorrow?

NA RIN AN: I think if I look back on the three rounds, there were some bogeys, and I think there's really nothing you can do about that, or nothing that I could have done about that.

So I think for me the biggest factor going into tomorrow is just to be able to focus on my own game play.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
113995-1-1222 2021-10-23 07:36:00 GMT

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