BMW Ladies Championship

Sunday, 24 October 2021

Busan, South Korea

LPGA International Busan

Lydia Ko

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, Lydia, a spectacular final day here. Just walk us through your Sunday at the BMW Ladies Championship.

LYDIA KO: I obviously played really solid today. I think I only missed one or two greens. I'd have to like chip to make up-and-down. So my iron shots and shots into the greens were really solid. I started off well birdieing the first three holes and tried to feed off that momentum for the rest of the day.

But seems like there were a lot of low scores, so I feel like it's not as low as I did shoot. But to be able to finish on a high note after having a rough start on the first day, I'm proud of the way that I fought back the last three days.

Q. When did you really start to feel a click in the last couple of days after that first round?

LYDIA KO: My ball striking has been really good leading up to this week. And the first day I really didn't feel like it was there, and my iron play wasn't good.

Normally, if my iron play has been -- like driver or irons, one of the two, have been working. But the first day I really didn't have any of them. And when I made a mistake, I kind of kept topping it up with another mistake. So it was really hard to feed off of any momentum that first day.

But I talked to Sean on my drive over to the golf course on the second day, and he said the swing is looking fine, so just be really aggressive. And that's what Dave thought as well.

So I just tried to play aggressive. And I think when I did that, even though I miss it, I felt like it was solid, and that's a good place to be with my long game. And when you see putts start falling, I think that's a good mindset to be in. And I felt like I putted really solid, and I think that was something that I could kind of lean on, even if I did miss a green.

Q. Dave on your bag again, the last time he was on your bag was at your win at Lotte. What's that like to happen out here?

LYDIA KO: Obviously we have a lot of good memories together, and winning in Hawaii was my last win and my first win in a few years. So great to have a familiar face. Obviously would have been great if Derek, my usual caddie, was out here as well.

But Dave has to go work in Bermuda next week, so it's not really on the way from the UK to Bermuda. So I really appreciate him coming out. And we have a few rounds and a few tournaments together. So I felt really comfortable.

And I think even though he's never been my steady caddie, he really understands my game. So it's great that even though it's kind of a fill-in week, I feel comfortable, and we're able to kind of work through the week together without having to get to know each other.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
114029-1-1222 2021-10-24 06:49:00 GMT

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