BMW Ladies Championship

Sunday, 24 October 2021

Busan, South Korea

LPGA International Busan

A Lim Kim

Quick Quotes

Q. Just take me through this back nine. You had six birdies on the back nine. You seemed to be rolling well on the back nine. What does it mean to you to be able to finish this tournament so strong?

A LIM KIM: I think I had a lot in want in terms of the previous rounds. And so going into the round, I really wanted no regrets, and I needed to be able to tell myself that I did my best.

And I think that helped me with the strong finish, and I was able to lower my score because of that.

Q. At the beginning of the week, you said that this was the first time that you had been back in Korea, that you were still a little jet lagged, you were getting used to everything. But how satisfied are you to be able to do so well back in your home country at a place that you've grown up and also used to compete?

A LIM KIM: Actually, it feels fantastic. It's really satisfying to play a good round here in Korea.

And I think in the States it was really hard to tell if I was improving in terms of my hitting the ball or putting because it was a new environment. So it was really hard to identify what the baseline was.

But coming here and playing again in Korea, I can tell that I really improved and that I've grown. And so I feel like I spent the past year really productively.

Q. A solid finish here means a solid amount of CME points was that on your mind at all as you came into the tournament, and was that a goal of yours to make the CME Group Tour Championship?

A LIM KIM: My goal coming into this event was to get in the top 5. And, of course, the CME Group Tour Championships was on my mind. So I did all the math and I did all the calculations, and I think that was a really good motivator for me.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
114034-1-1222 2021-10-24 08:44:00 GMT

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