BMW Ladies Championship

Thursday, 20 October 2022

Busan, South Korea

LPGA International Busan

Lilia Vu

Quick Quotes

Q. Really solid round, you've played some really solid golf as of late. What did you find on Oak Valley that really worked for you?

LILIA VU: Well, it's not entirely easy. I mean, I feel like it's driver off the tee almost every hole. We don't do that a lot. I probably hit my 3-wood more than my driver most times.

So I guess really driving the ball well, and then the greens are not exactly easy, either. They are kind of firm and you have to hand it in the right area. There's little bowls that you can get away with. But the front nine, my proximity to the hole, I think I had like five 40-footers, and I started to hit it a little closer on the back nine and get some birdies running.

Q. Any of those birdies stand out in particular?

LILIA VU: Hole No. 10 because that was my first birdie of the day. Hit it in the left side of the fairway, so you're completely blocked out. The pin is on the left and I hit maybe a 30-yard draw with my 9-iron to three feet, and that's what got it all started.

Q. Out here, we are cut into the mountains, really. It's pretty hilly and pretty undulating. Does being able to hit driver off every hole free you up a little bit; you don't have to do as much thinking off the tee?

LILIA VU: Well, it's also a little narrow. I don't think it's like, oh, my gosh, you can just hit it everywhere and be okay. I think they strategically placed some bunkers around. Not entirely free but it is okay.

Q. Getting off to a good start at a no-cut event, only 78 players, I'm sure is a good feeling. What will you take with you as you look to the next three days?

LILIA VU: Just have fun. I don't have to worry about anything.

Q. Has that been your motto the past few months?

LILIA VU: Absolutely.

Q. Being well inside everything that you need to be well inside of?

LILIA VU: I think as long as I just try my best every day, that's all I can do, and just focus on that.

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