BMW Ladies Championship

Thursday, 20 October 2022

Busan, South Korea

LPGA International Busan

Minsol Kim

Quick Quotes

Q. Minsol Kim, what a round, you tied the tournament record of 64 today. Just evaluate your round.

MINSOL KIM: So I was hitting very well today, and so I was making myself a lot of good opportunities. And then I succeeded in turning those opportunities into low scores.

So I think I was successful in creating momentum.

Q. What of those birdies stands out to you? What were your personal highlights today?

MINSOL KIM: So I would have to say the birdie that was most memorable for me in this round was the putting I made at the third hole, No. 3 hole. It was a really downward slope and I actually practiced there on Tuesday, and so I was able to just really tap the ball and really control the speed of the ball to make the putts.

Q. How confident are you feeling in your game right now? I know for amateur players, to play on the LPGA Tour can be a bit intimidating, but you doesn't seem like it bothers you too much. Just how confident are you right now?

MINSOL KIM: So initially, I was really nervous but after the first hole, I thought that it was quite fun, and so I wasn't really feeling the pressure, and I was enjoying myself. I think that really helped me today.

Q. Have you been talking to any of your fellow Korean players? Is there anybody that you've reached out to to be like, hey, give me some tips, this is my first time on tour?

MINSOL KIM: No one in particular.

Q. Is there anybody you've met this week that has given you a starstruck moment?

MINSOL KIM: So when I was younger, I actually came as a gallery to watch the BMW Championships, and I remember thinking that Sung Hyun Park was really cool. So today to play side-by-side with her, I think it was a real honor.

Q. And three more rounds left, you're off to a very good start. What's your mindset heading into the next three days?

MINSOL KIM: I think that I should refrain from becoming overly ambitious, and I really need to take everything step by step, one at a time.

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