BMW Ladies Championship

Thursday, 20 October 2022

Busan, South Korea

LPGA International Busan

Yaeeun Hong

Quick Quotes

Q. 6-under, 66. What I'm hearing, it's a little bit tough of a golf course but the scores aren't showing it. How did you find it today?

YAEEUN HONG: I have had tough weeks with my shots, but I feel really great today. This morning I was hitting really good and I make solid birdies, like it was good.

Q. Did any of the birdies stand out? Were there any that were really, really special?

YAEEUN HONG: 15 was special. I didn't expect to putt it in. But a really hard chip goes in, and, like, "Yes! I got it!"

Q. What's it like for you to be playing here as an LPGA Tour member? I know you're a rookie this season, but being back in your home country and your home event as a member, what's that experience been like?

YAEEUN HONG: It was very exciting and right now I'm really enjoying all the fans coming out and they are cheering me on. I can really have fun playing.

Q. Is it different for you? You don't often get that in the States.

YAEEUN HONG: Yeah, I stayed just a few months in the States, and I just hang out with my mom, but that's it. It's great to come out and see my friends. It's great.

Q. What about the food? I know a lot of the Korean players miss the food when they are in the US. Has it been good to get, as we would say, home cooking?

YAEEUN HONG: Yeah, definitely different. Like same Korean food eating in the States or Korea, it's really different and also here at Oak Valley, they treat us like super good. I'm getting fat, actually.

Q. Have you played this golf course before? Is it something you're familiar with?

YAEEUN HONG: No, the practice round was my first time.

Q. What did you think of the golf course?

YAEEUN HONG: It's really hard to walk. And the greens are really fast and tough. But I think I did good today.

Q. Quite a few Korean players in the top. Minsol is at 8-under. What's your mindset heading into the next three days, no-cut event and valuable CME points are on the line.

YAEEUN HONG: I tried to enjoy because a few months, I didn't really enjoy my game. It was so stressful for me. But I keep thinking every shot to be, like, comfortable and think like positive. I think that works.

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