BMW Ladies Championship

Thursday, 20 October 2022

Busan, South Korea

LPGA International Busan

Lydia Ko

Quick Quotes

Q. Lydia, solid start to your week, 4-under. Evaluate your round.

LYDIA KO: Yeah, I feel like I playing really solid today. I birdied the first couple holes, and then made a silly mistake on 3 but then was able to have a good comeback birdie on 4.

Yeah, I think the course is tougher than what the scores are showing, for people that are not here, like, oh, my God, this course must be super easy. But I don't think that's the case. Just because the world's best are here, the scores are good.

My part, I played consistently, and that's what I've got to do. I think it's a good start to the week.

Q. What's been your strategy? We're uphill, chilly conditions. What have you been working on with all the undulation on the golf course?

LYDIA KO: I think when I first got here on Monday, I was shocked at how undulating this course was and I had only played the back nine, and somebody said, oh, the front nine is just as hilly. So I was like, yes, it's going to be a climb this week.

But we are out here in the mountains. This is where they ski, as well, on the other side. So you've got to expect that it's going to be hilly.

And at the end of the day everybody plays the same golf course. So you are just trying to manage yourself out there and not get too tired. I think sometimes when you get tired, you could hit some loose shots and lose focus. I think it's not only about just the day but maintaining your good condition and energy levels for the week.

Yeah, just enjoying it, enjoying the hike. I would rather be here this time of the year than obviously the summer. It's really beautiful with it being autumn and a lot of the red and orange leaves, the colors of the leaves changing. So I'm enjoying my time here, especially being my first time in this area.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
126243-1-1003 2022-10-20 06:56:00 GMT

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