BMW Ladies Championship

Thursday, 20 October 2022

Busan, South Korea

LPGA International Busan

Andrea Lee

Quick Quotes

Q. Nice way to start your week here, 6-under of 66.

ANDREA LEE: Yeah, I had three birdies on the front nine, three birdies on the back nine. Kind of a stress-free round.

I didn't have any bogeys today, and I think that's been the key of my consistent play lately, just not making any bogeys and just staying really consistent.

So overall, really pleased with the way I played today and hopefully I can keep it going.

Q. Being bogey-free, did any of them in particular stand out?

ANDREA LEE: Not actually. I birdied three of the par 5s and it was pretty much steady all day. I have a lot of trust in my game right now hitting a lot of fairways. I think I hit almost every green today, too. So like I said, really stress-free and just solid golf overall.

Q. How do you attack this golf course? We are cut into the side of a mountain; the elevation changes, it's insane how uphill they are. What adjustments have you made?

ANDREA LEE: Honestly I'm a little used to the hilly courses. We just played at Saticoy; I thought that was one of the hilliest courses that we've played in California. Palos Verdes is hilly.

So I feel like I'm just kind of used to the terrain and kind of the hilly lies that you see out here on the golf course. So I think just preparing for that, hitting downhill lies, uphill lies, kind of prepared me for this week.

Q. There are some similarities to Palos Verdes, tree-lined, chilly. Does having that preparation help you?

ANDREA LEE: Definitely helps. PV is a great track, and Oak Valley has been amazing. It's in great condition. The greens are really fast and they are firm, so it's a little tough out here.

Honestly I didn't think I would shoot as low as I did today but really pleased with the way I played and hopefully I can just play consistent golf the rest of the way.

Q. You just got your first win on the LPGA Tour not too long ago in Portland. What did that do? Was it a relief? You had come close so many times this season. Was it finally like a breath of fresh air to get that win where you can relax the last few events?

ANDREA LEE: I felt like it was a big weight off of my back, I guess. I've been playing well all season and to get that win in Portland meant so much to me. I feel like now I can relax and just have a little bit more fun out here on the golf course.

I don't feel stressed or anything, and I'm just kind of playing care free. I think that's kind of the key to the solid play after that win. So yeah, just trying to keep that mentality.

Q. And with your heritage, how fun is it to be in Korea, have your family here and play in front of this kind of a crowd and play here as an LPGA Tour winner and especially son winner?

ANDREA LEE: Yeah, I love it. I love coming back to Korea. This is my first time playing golf here. It's super exciting. The fans here are crazy about golf. They are so passionate. I can feel their energy on every hole. It's great. I have my parents out here, and I have a grandpa out here, too. He didn't come today but we'll probably see him maybe later this week or next week.

But it's just been great. I've been enjoying the food, the culture, everything, and I love coming back. Coming back as an LPGA winner is really special, too. So you know, hopefully I can just keep it going and play well the rest of the week.

Q. Do you get to see your grandfather a lot?

ANDREA LEE: Not often. The last time I saw him was three years ago before the pandemic. That's the last time we came to Korea, so not often. He's getting old. He's getting up there. I think he's like the 91 now, so going to try to see him as much as possible.

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