BMW Ladies Championship

Friday, 21 October 2022

Wonju, South Korea

Oak Valley County Club

Lilia Vu

Quick Quotes

Q. 6-under 66. Walk me through your round.

LILIAN VU: I had a good front nine, and then the back nine, I had my first bogey of the tournament. Just flailed it out right. I was a little upset about it but we got back on track. Made an eagle on 14 -- or no, 15, and then yeah, just finished out strong.

Q. When you're having those kind of bad moments, how do you stay patient? I feel like you really figured that out this season?

LILIAN VU: My mindset is the next shot could be the best shot you ever hit in your life. I just try to stay positive and try not to be too hard on myself and have fun and enjoy Korea.

Q. Eagle on 15, walk me through that highlight.

LILIAN VU: I actually got really lucky. I pulled/draw my drive in between the bunkers. Like it landed in the third bunker, but it was right on top. And then, because Cole and I, my caddie, we're like, are we in the third or fourth bunker? I was like, I don't know.

We get up there and I'm in between the third and fourth one and I turned to him, and I'm like, "Let's eat." I hit a good approach shot and then I made the putt.

Q. Pretty special group playing with Andrea and A Lim. How fun was it to play with those girls?

LILIAN VU: It's always really fun to play with an Andrea, and A Lim was also in the group and she's hilarious. We had a great time. I think we laughed basically the whole entire round.

Q. Your first time in Korea?


Q. So with A Lim in the group, what were the crowds like? Are you used to that reaction?

LILIAN VU: I mean, definitely a little bit of like an adjustment for me to get used to because she would hit it pretty close. Everyone would start yelling. I hit a couple shots to three feet today. Maybe a half-clap from my parents. Yeah, so it's kind of different but it's fun. They are very spirited here.

Q. We keep talking to you and you've played some really solid golf this year. Still looking for that first win but I feel like it's coming. In contention again, as you look ahead to the weekend, you're a player that likes to take everything one shot at a time but what are you thinking as you look ahead to Saturday and Sunday? Just keep trying to go low, I imagine?

LILIAN VU: Just trying to hit good shots, that's it. Not think too far ahead, just what's in front of me and play golf and have fun. Grateful that I'm here in Korea. I'm having a great time.

Q. And a round like today has to give you momentum?

LILIAN VU: Yeah, I'm excited for tomorrow and the next.

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