BMW Ladies Championship

Sunday, 23 October 2022

Busan, South Korea

LPGA International Busan

Lilia Vu

Quick Quotes

THE MODERATOR: Here with Lilia Vu. Great finish. I know it wasn't the result you were looking for, but still a top five. Just evaluate your week.

LILIA VU: I had a pretty good week. Honestly, I don't think I played my best. Like, I got away with a couple of things. I don't think my ball-striking this week is as good as it usually is. I think I just kind of managed, to be honest.

I know, finished 16-under. Shouldn't say, like, just managed, but I feel like I didn't have my A-game to the point where I was -- I mean, the last couple of holes I didn't even hit it within 25 feet. Yeah.

THE MODERATOR: What does that tell you about the state of your game right now that you didn't have your A-game, and you still were able to put that kind of week together?

LILIA VU: I'm pretty proud that even with not my A-game, I could still score. But, yeah, I guess it makes me excited for getting my game in good shape before Japan.

THE MODERATOR: What's the mindset heading into the next three events playing some dang good golf right now even though it's not your A-game?

LILIA VU: Just keep doing what I'm doing. Plan clean up a couple of things on my ball-striking and get to work.

Q. I'm sure you the got some confidence from this week.

LILIA VU: Yeah, definitely some. I think this course is pretty challenging too. I'm quite surprised that the winning score is going to be, like, 21- or 22-under.

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