BMW Ladies Championship

Thursday, 19 October 2023

Busan, South Korea

LPGA International Busan

Megan Khang

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, Megan, welcome back to Korea, first day at 5-under. How are you feeling after your first day here?

MEGAN KHANG: Honestly, it feels like I'm a mile behind the way Alison and Ash are playing. But, I mean, you look at the first day and it sets the tone how the golf course or tournament is going to be. Typically a 5-under is not in 8th. But it is what it is. But definitely very happy to get the 5-under under my belt.

Q. What were some of the highlights out there for you?

MEGAN KHANG: You know, I was able to hit some, like, really good shots. Unfortunately hit a couple bad ones. But scrambled relatively well. Probably some of the better shots were kind of coming down the stretch, you know.

Obviously having a bogey on 3 wasn't great, and then, you know, bouncing back with three birdies in the last five, six holes. I'm terrible with math. And, you know, just kind of feeding into tomorrow with hopefully that momentum.

Q. It is really interesting to come off the course and come off with a 5-under thinking what is that going to look like, and to see Alison and Ashleigh. What do you think of this course and how you're able to kind of let it suit your game?

MEGAN KHANG: Honestly, I was joking with my caddie, Jack, and we were joking about how these greens are so big, probably the biggest we've ever played on Tour. Normally we have bigger greens, I break it down into kind of three sections.

But the size of these greens, we were joking about breaking them down into like five greens into one. But ultimately it comes down to like trusting the numbers, trusting how much it's going to release and just playing the right kind of shot and the release.

So I'm very confident in my ball-striking, and it's been in a very good spot this year, especially. So just really trying to trust myself in that sense and take advantage of some of the shorter holes coming in.

Q. It's been a little bit since we've seen you obviously in an official LPGA Tour event. The last time we saw you on Tour rather than Solheim was the Portland Classic where you had three outstanding rounds to start as well. How have you been able to kind of keep this momentum going from Portland to Solheim, Solheim to here?

MEGAN KHANG: Honestly, I think I'm enjoying the journey. It's truly a blessing to be out here living the dream. And to be able to say that professional golf is my job is a huge honor and, again, a blessing.

But I think now that I'm a little older, I'm kind of just enjoying and saying like golf isn't the end of the world, like bad shots are going to happen. And I think it's just ultimately came down to me maturing a little bit more and really kind of soaking it all in, like this is not a bad thing to be doing.

Q. And I know after Solheim you were able to take a little bit of a break, and it's really difficult to take those breaks usually during the season. How much was a break like that necessary, and how much do you think it really helped kind of just keep the golf going?

MEGAN KHANG: It was huge. Golf takes us to incredible places, Spain being one of them. And, you know, I was out there for four extra days, and I'm probably not going to get back out to Spain until maybe after my career, in a sense, to go on a vacation. And so I knew I was going to have a couple weeks off; might as well take advantage of it.

And I think sometimes you've got to look at it and be like, hey, I deserve a break. It is a long year. I think people forget that. And, you know, it's okay to treat yourself once in a while.

Q. And some different conditions tomorrow, I think, compared to maybe what we saw this morning, especially with that little bit of rain. How will you kind of go into the second day here?

MEGAN KHANG: Oh, I love, like, fall golf. I'm from Massachusetts. So I love fall golf. So I saw the weather, and funny enough, Nelly and I were talking before coming over here, and we were talking about the weather, we both were talking about the weather, and she said, Did you see the weather? I was like, Yeah, it's going to be... and we both said at the same time, she's like, Cold. And I was like, Amazing.

So it's really funny. It comes down to where you kind of grew up. And for me, fortunately, this is the kind of weather I grew up in. Obviously the ball is going to fly a little shorter, so definitely going to have to get used to that, hopefully quickly.

But for the most part, you know, conditions are the same for everyone and just, again, going to go out there and try and enjoy the walk.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
138268-1-1222 2023-10-19 05:46:00 GMT

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