BMW Ladies Championship

Thursday, 19 October 2023

Busan, South Korea

LPGA International Busan

Jodi Ewart Shadoff

Quick Quotes

Q. What a nice 7-under day to start out here at the BMW Ladies Championship. Just overall what was the game plan going into today?

JODI EWART SHADOFF: Just be consistent. I mean, you know, the greens are really big out here, so it's really key to get the ball as close as you can and try and limit the three-putts as much as possible.

So I think pace putting is really key out here, and I think I did -- you know, I was striking the ball really well with my irons. So overall I was hitting the ball really close, but on the longer trickier putts, I had really good pace, so I think that was key too.

Q. What was the longest putt you think you made out there?

JODI EWART SHADOFF: Longest putt I made, probably like 15 feet, maybe. Yeah, so overall, you know, I was hitting -- you know, I had seven birdies, so most -- all of my birdies were inside 15 feet. So that just says how close I was hitting it. So that's really good out here to just kind of get as close as you can.

Q. I was going to say, did you feel like you could be a little bit more aggressive with the way everything was today?

JODI EWART SHADOFF: Yeah, it was -- the greens were definitely softer than they have been playing over the last three days. So it was easier just to kind of fire at pins. So I think the conditions definitely softened up and definitely helped.

So, yeah, it will be interesting to see. You know, I think it's forecast to get a little colder over the next couple days. So I'm interested to see how the course plays differently.

Q. There are some low numbers out there. How crucial was it to take advantage of a day like today, you think?

JODI EWART SHADOFF: Yeah, definitely. The conditions were absolutely perfect. So to go out there and have a bogey-free round was really key.

And I think just to keep myself in it, I mean, I've seen some of the scores, and it just shows how well everybody is playing right now. So to shoot 7-under, you know, try and keep up is always a good thing.

Q. To be still up there, it was funny, Megan Khang walked off and looked up at the -- and usually a 5-under round is a solid day for you. When you walk off, to still see your name in contention, what has been some of the work you've put in going into this week?

JODI EWART SHADOFF: Yeah, I have been working really hard on my putting over the last couple months. But I kind of found something heading into Arkansas, and I putt really well over in Arkansas and Dallas, I had a couple of top 10s there. So it was nice to come off of two top 10s in a row. I think it's the first time I've ever done that in my career. So it just shows how consistent I'm playing.

But overall putting is really good, and I -- you know, I had a really nice week off last week and found a couple things in my swing. And iron play has kind of been letting me down a little bit over the last month or so, so I think kind of worked on that, and it's showing.

Q. Feels like you really took advantage of a week at home. What were some of those things in the swing that you worked on?

JODI EWART SHADOFF: Yeah, just my wrist angles a little bit on the backswing. Again, a little bit too extended with my left wrist, and just, you know, I have to try and find impact, and it just makes it harder when the face is way up.

And so, yeah, just kind of adjusting that and playing with a more closed clubface. And it's definitely helped my swing path.

So, yeah, I hit some -- you know, I just noticed that today it's really helping my short irons, and I think out here, you know, it's a good thing. So I made short irons, you can get it as close as possible. So I was kind of seeing the benefits of all the practice I've been putting in.

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138273-1-1222 2023-10-19 06:53:00 GMT

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