BMW Ladies Championship

Friday, 20 October 2023

Busan, South Korea

LPGA International Busan

Lydia Ko

Quick Quotes

Q. Definitely some different scores out there as compared to yesterday, all the way around. How does it feel to still walk out with the score that you did today?

LYDIA KO: Yeah, honestly, yesterday, I think I said in my interview yesterday, I made the turn, and I was like, whoa, someone is like 8-under, 9-under, and I was like, did I have that? And the answer was no internally.

But, yeah, it was lot a tougher today. Obviously I think it was forecasted to be pretty windy. But the most difficult part about today was how much the wind was changing. And normally when it's this windy, I think the wind stays pretty constant.

But I don't know if it's because we're in the -- like in between all these hills, it was very, very like fluctuating. I think we were meant to have northwest wind, but we had northwest, northeast, southeast, southwest. Like, honestly, everything you could potentially have on the compass was what got.

So I think that was a really tricky thing. And that's my caddie, Paul, and I were talking about is that I think that might have been one of the toughest, like, wind rounds, just because you have to be on the spot and then trust that, hey, like, pray to God hopefully it is what you're playing.

But I think for most parts, I played really solid. I let a few get away from me with the putter. But that also means I'm giving myself a lot of good opportunities with the long game. So it's like a double-edged sword, golf. But I feel like I've played really solid the last couple days, and I'm hoping to continue that on the weekend.

Q. What holes where the wind was swirling were you most proud of, maybe a birdie stands out where you were able to get it close despite having to read the wind direction?

LYDIA KO: Honestly 1 to 18 was all swirling. Like even on 18, we were waiting for the green to clear, and it was down off the right, into off the left, into off the right, across. And I was like, oh, my God, I could 8-iron, 7-iron, or 6-iron. And I'm hoping the club that I pull is the right one.

And I think today the most important club in the bag was commitment, and I think we did that pretty well. And I made a birdie on like 12 or something, and I think it was swirling there too where I was like it's 7, 6, or 5. And I grabbed the 6, and I hit a really good shot and made a birdie. So I think that was a really good one.

Q. I was going to ask about 12 because we just interviewed 6 who also said the same thing about 12 where that was a really challenging hole into the wind but still being able to -- she chipped in. So for you to make birdie there, I mean, how much did that help steady the rest of these holes?

LYDIA KO: Yeah, I think 12 is a quality golf hole, even without the wind. So it was tough. I saw her chip in, and I saw the crowd go wild because I was playing right behind her.

But, yeah, I don't think there's a single hole that it was just a straightforward shot. Even like for a third shot on a par-5, you could -- I honestly was so confused at times. And normally I like to be pretty ready, if I'm playing last, like pretty ready and know what club I'm going to pull.

But I think today was kind of like, okay, it's my turn now, what is it? And it's not great for pace of play, but honestly, that was really needed in conditions like this.

So you just have to stay patient and know that it's tough for everyone. And I'm pretty sure it's not swirling only when I'm about to hit. So that's why I think the scores aren't as crazy as yesterday.

Q. And then for tomorrow and Sunday, I know the weather will be a bit more chillier, like it was today. But as you kind of look ahead to this weekend, what are you focusing on in your play and your commitment levels as you move on through the round?

LYDIA KO: Yeah, it's -- I don't really know -- I can't trust the weather map anymore. That's for sure. But, yeah, I think tomorrow is going to be pretty similar in like temperature to today.

But I was very prepared and I wore like HEATTECH, and like my clothing sponsor got me a lot of like warm stuff. So I honestly thought it was a lot warmer than I was anticipating.

So you just have to be very prepared. I feel like I hit a lot of quality shots throughout the last couple days. I'm hoping to continue that on the weekend and see where that puts me.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
138329-1-1222 2023-10-20 07:23:00 GMT

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