BMW Ladies Championship

Friday, 20 October 2023

Busan, South Korea

LPGA International Busan

Ashleigh Buhai

Quick Quotes

Q. Obviously, it's really always hard to follow up. I feel like a 62 and with swirling winds all day today, just how are you walking away from day two?

ASHLEIGH BUHAI: Yeah, I think that is one of the toughest days I've ever had on a golf course in terms of the wind switching. I've never played any round where the wind just switched that much.

I think I did really well on the front nine. Stayed very patient. And I did the same on the back nine, and it was just the case of I picked a shot and the wind literally switched.

So, you know, I did what I intended to do. I committed to my swing thoughts, and that's all I can do. Again, finished on a bogey. It got really cold the last hole. Hit it just on the back edge with the shade, and that was difficult to kind of see. Looked like it was going to be a lot quicker. Left the putt a bit short.

But, you know, yeah, shoot 1-over, but so much golf left; I'm not out of this at all.

Q. Definitely not out of it. To be only two shot back, I mean, what was it like kind of coming off of yesterday and then going into today? What was the mindset knowing -- I know we all went in kind of thinking northwest winds. That certainly changed throughout the day.

ASHLEIGH BUHAI: It was every direction possible. The compass became irrelevant. It's always hard to follow up, but I kind of -- I was glad that the conditions were going to be tougher so you didn't feel like you had to go low again.

And it's just really difficult to get the ball close to the hole a lot of the time, especially downwind, you think it's going to push it, it kind of knocks it out. And I had a lot of 20-, 25-foot putts, so it's difficult to make birdies from that distance. But I thought my lag putting was really good.

But I must say, not having played in five, six weeks, I got a little tired towards the end. Back did get a little achy. I'm just hoping I can get some good rest tonight and I'll feel better tomorrow morning.

Q. I was about to say, your first 18 in five weeks was that Pro-Am, and just to be able to -- are you feeling kind of still the back injury at all, or is it kind of mainly recovered?

ASHLEIGH BUHAI: No, no, I mean, it's something that I just have to live with kind of and manage it. So I've definitely -- when it's cold, I struggle a little bit more. And those last five holes it got really cold, and the body just needs some time to get used to playing again.

But, hey, I'm hanging in there. And if you told me coming into the week after the first two rounds of being 9-under, I would have taken in a heartbeat.

Q. What will you focus on heading into tomorrow knowing that you've survived the swirling wind-gate?

ASHLEIGH BUHAI: Yeah, same as today. I kind of just had the run of three holes, if that didn't happen, you know, I'm up there with Minjee. So I just have to do what I was doing, and then hopefully, I think when I have wedges in my hand tomorrow, stay a little bit more aggressive, even if it's downwind, rather get it to the hole. That will be a focus tomorrow for sure.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
138333-1-1222 2023-10-20 08:12:00 GMT

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