BMW Ladies Championship

Saturday, 21 October 2023

Busan, South Korea

LPGA International Busan

Jiyai Shin

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: All right, I am pleased to be joined by Jiyai Shin. Jiyai, a wonderful moving day here at the BMW Ladies Championship. Overall, what was working well in this day three?

JIYAI SHIN: I think overall I think I attacked all the fairway, and I think I maybe missed one read. So overall I was hitting very stable shots, and I created a lot of birdie opportunities, even with the wind. So I never really put myself in a really dangerous position.

THE MODERATOR: What has it been like getting used to this course over the last three days? We've seen just about every type of condition and weather that's been thrown our way. What it's been like for you to get used to this course?

JIYAI SHIN: It rained quite heavily in the morning, and so I -- for lack of a better expression, so the greens were really silky and really smooth. And so it was earlier in the day easier in a way to be playing lines.

But then as the day went on, the green got quite firm and hard. And the greens became quite tricky, so much so that I would have to read the wind to putt.

And so even with the really short putts, I was really concentrating because the winds were changing. And so I have to say that, you know, I'm always playing 18 holes, but because I was concentrating and focusing so hard, it felt longer than 18 holes.

THE MODERATOR: Those three birdies in the beginning, you talk about the conditions of the greens. How much did those conditions help in those birdies, and how did that set the tone for the rest of the round?

JIYAI SHIN: Yes. I think earlier, as I mentioned, because the greens were in such great condition, just the balls would drop just as I read the lie. So it was good, and that created a good momentum.

My goal earlier was to get four birdies in the first nine, but I think I missed that by one. But I have to say towards the back nine, the wind started to change, and it was changing almost spontaneously in spots. So the timing, timing it right was quite difficult.

But I have to say that the field having gone through the weather yesterday, I'm sure that, although conditions were not easy today, it was -- everybody was -- is probably going to be struggling but feeling a little bit better.

THE MODERATOR: What will you take away from today as you head into the final day tomorrow?

JIYAI SHIN: I first want to say that we had like a big turnout today, and my fans come out to support me and promising that they'll be back tomorrow. And we expect a bigger down rain tomorrow. And I'm happy to be in a strong position where I just play really strong, good golf. And I hope to continue tomorrow and hopefully bring something back for the fans that are supporting me.

And as for how I'm going to attack the course tomorrow, I'm not a long hitter, so obviously the way I attack par-5 holes is going to be different. But all I can say is I'm going to do my best to create as many birdie opportunities.


Q. So you've had 20 wins on the KLPGA, and this is an LPGA Tour event, but it's being held in Korea. So what is the overall impression and atmosphere of the event, and can you recall any event that you won that you thought was similar to the energy or atmosphere?

JIYAI SHIN: I think it's difficult for me to recall an event like that because it's been quite long since I played in Korea. And I know this is the only LPGA event in Korea. There's been a lot of preparation going into it.

But I have to say it's just been such a long time that it's difficult for me to pick out an event. But I think that if I do come back, then I'll have something to compare it with, so maybe I can answer at a later date.

Q. If you are to win this event, it would be your 65th win, career win, and it would be your first win in Korea in 13 years. And I believe you are in contention, you're on the top part of the leaderboard. So what do you think will be the deciding factor tomorrow, and what part of your game do you think has to really work for you to have a chance tomorrow?

JIYAI SHIN: So I feel that the first two days I created a lot of opportunities for myself, but I wasn't able to follow through on some of those opportunities, I thought better today.

And I think overall in terms of how I'm hitting the ball and hittage-wise, I'm doing quite well. So I guess just like really wrapping up a hole nicely will be important in lowering my score.

And I think the weather is definitely going to be a variable. And if it's windy, then that's definitely going to impact the game.

Q. So you're back at an LPGA tournament, it's been a while, and I think you're showing everybody that you still have a lot of golf. So this year you've done particularly well in some big games, big tournaments. So looking back on this year, what were some ups and downs, highs and lows?

JIYAI SHIN: So it's not the end of the season yet. It's a little bit for me to look back on the year. But I have to say I've always given my best and I've always worked hard. This year I think I was able to feel more in focus more on like my responsibilities as a professional golf player, sense of competition, my game. So I think that I was more honed into that and that led to the results.

And I actually enjoyed sort of the tension and nerves I got from the difficult moments on big tournaments. And I think I was able to enjoy those nerves because I always feel that I am prepared.

Q. For the past three days you've played this course. Which hole would you pick as the most difficult hole? And in the next final round, is there a particular hole like you're really wanting to be focusing more on?

JIYAI SHIN: I can't pick out one hole because they might look similar, but each and every hole on this course is different. So you have to take a different strategy for each hole.

But I think overall, in terms of momentum, the back nine, of course, will be really important. Perhaps tomorrow, again like today, in the front nine, the wind will be less. And so today we were able to create more birdie opportunities.

But in terms of being the final round, I think just momentum-wise, the last nine holes will be (indiscernible).

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
138369-1-1222 2023-10-21 07:13:00 GMT

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