CPKC Women's Open

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Earl Grey Golf Club

Lilia Vu

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Lilia Vu after her third round to the CPKC Women's Open. Just talk about how it went out there today maybe compared to the last two days. Talk a little bit about the conditions as well.

LILIA VU: Yeah, I felt like today was sort of an easier day because less wind and some moved up tees. But I didn't drive the ball well. I think I hit five fairways today. First day I hit four so we're improving.

But, yeah, I think I've been struggling a little bit off the tee and then this really pays to be in the fairway just so you can stop the ball. The rough is really thick out here.

Yeah, I learned that a lot today. Felt like every hole basically I was in the rough, so maybe not tomorrow.

Q. We've had an 11-under round today. Not sure you knew about that. We were talking on the way in you thought you might be out of the lead. With rounds like 11-under it's very well possible tomorrow. You've done it in the past. What do you think going into tomorrow?

LILIA VU: I just need to hit the fairways. That's all I'm trying to do tomorrow. I know it's a really tough out here because if the wind gets up you have to kind of adjust your starting line, and if you put too much curve on the ball -- I hit right-to-left draws, so it's already left to begin with. I have to work on that.

Q. Coming back from the back injury, just talk about how you think you've been managing and any adjustments you made since coming back.

LILIA VU: I think coming back from this injury I'm able to look at golf through a different lens. I am still pretty critical on myself, but I'm very grateful to be able to play a tournament.

I felt like before I was just not grateful, just getting upset even though people would love to be in my position.

So kind of looking at it in a grateful lens.

Q. And the Olympics opening ceremony was yesterday. Did you get a chances to see it?

LILIA VU: Yeah, I saw Morgan Pressel's Instagram story and I got really emotional from it. I think there was about 500 USA athletes, 500 something. Yeah, getting pretty emotional from it. I can't wait to be there.

Q. Anything that you thought of imagining in the future for yourself when you're there?

LILIA VU: Yeah, I actually bought some of my own pins to trade with people. Hopefully I'm able to meet people from other countries and different sports at Olympic Village.

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146887-1-1041 2024-07-28 00:57:00 GMT

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