Kroger Queen City Championship presented by P&G

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

Kenwood Country Club

Angel Yin

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: All right, I'm here with Angel Yin at the Kroger Queen City Championship.

This is your second time out here at Kenwood Country Club. Finishing tied for 24th last year. What did you learn most about the course last year?

ANGEL YIN: I think the course layout is pretty straightforward. It's like there is only a few doglegs and then everything is pretty out in front of you.

It's a very scorable golf course, so scores are going to be low. Obviously last year was completely rained you out so then the golf course was really wet, so this year I think the conditions will be a little bit different and that will also be a different play.

Q. And then being back in Cincinnati this week, what did you enjoy most about being in Cincinnati last year?

ANGEL YIN: I didn't get to see much of anything last year, so this year I will enjoy the city a little more. I was hoping to get some tickets to the baseball game - for free -- but nothing is free in this world I've realized, so I'm going to go buy tickets.

Q. And then you've had a consistent and strong year so far this year. What do you credit your great play to so far?

ANGEL YIN: My ball striking has improved, and so that helps a lot. When you hit it on the green life is just a little bit easier than chipping around and trying to make up and down constantly.

And then you realize that golf is hard, but not as hard because you don't make it harder. But it's just going back to sticking to my basics, because I like changed my golf clubs and then like the weight and everything and just didn't work out.

So I went back to it and fixed my swing a little bit so now it's like playable.

Q. And then some exciting news as of late, too. You were chosen to represent the U.S. in the Solheim Cup this year. Can you talk us through some of those conversations with Stacy beforehand and after.

ANGEL YIN: The last team meeting we had was at Founders in Upper Montclair, and ever since then Stacy says, go and play. She hasn't really talked to us. I think she took a different approach, where in previous years everyone did bonding or there was a lot more meetings.

I think Stacy wanted us to do our own thing. I think that was pretty cool. A different approach.

I think the last time she spoke to me -- well, I know, I don't think -- I know she spoke to me at the British, and so after that I was just thinking, I know I'm close.

I thought I wasn't actually in it but she told me I was in. I don't really know how to look at points. It's too complicated. Yeah, that was really nice.

And then it was encouraging words.

And then obviously I got picked. I was like in until Andrea kicked me out, and so that was really nerve-wracking, yeah.

Q. And then with your past experience in Solheim Cups, what are you looking to bring into this year's?

ANGEL YIN: A win. (Laughter.) I don't really know what I can bring to the table. Everyone knows what to do. There is not much guiding. Stacy obviously as a captain has it all together and will lead us to the trophy I hope.

Well, we have to play, so...

Yeah, I really don't know much to say, because I know I've played two Solheims and this is going to be my third, but these girls like really have it together and I don't think there needs to be a lot.

Even with the rookies they're so experienced with team play and everything, so just going to be part of the team and hopefully win the Cup.

Q. Looking at this team, it's younger probably as far as rookies go than maybe it's been in the past. Do you think that new infusion of this younger talent that's hungry to win the Cup back -- I know you all are -- but do you think that's going to help in any way?

ANGEL YIN: Yeah, I think so. Everyone is so driven, and I think that's going to make a huge difference in our play.

I think personality is also like a pretty big factor and it's a pretty good mixture of everything. As in everything, I don't know what that means, but it's kind of different and unique to their own.

And we have a huge veteran like Lexi who has played like I think six times already, so I think it just all adds to go and fits well.

We have rookies but not a lot of rookies, and so I think that also plays out. I always say first time playing Solheim is so different because you have to experience everything and the crowds and people screaming at you, and now we're playing on foreign soil, so it's a bit different.

Q. What in your game has been clicking for you this season? Even last season, you played some really solid golf the last year and a half to get to this point. What's been different for and you given you more of that confidence on the golf course?

ANGEL YIN: Confidence is built up, so over time to has to -- it doesn't just come overnight. Sometimes you can get lucky and you can win a tournament, but if there is no foundation to that it does still fade away. I've gradually played well, and so I think that has been a backing.

Then like I said earlier, my golf clubs were a little bit off. Changed the settings on it a little bit and went back to my basics and that helped a lot.

Then I changed my swing to where it used to be like, and then I think that helped as well. The truth is like ball striking -- everybody talks about putting, but ball-striking is still important. If you don't hit it on the green you're not going to get anywhere in life -- at least not in golf.

Q. You said something to me right after you got picked. An interesting stat. You're the only player that almost made it in points without a win. I know some people might see that as not the best, but you thought that was super cool. Can you just explain why that was so cool to you?

ANGEL YIN: Yeah, I think about it until like -- I think I went out with Rose for Golf Channel and they introduced me as the only player that hasn't won on the team. People are usually a little shocked, but I really thought about it, you know, and that's actually pretty cool.

That means I played consistently. When you win you have a massive amount of points and then you jump up. Whereas me, like when you don't win, even on Rolex, you don't move up that much. You stay consistently there and just like waddle around.

And with that, that I could do that with the last -- since April to be able to jump up that much means I've been playing consistently. That to me it's cooler than actually winning. Obviously I want to win and not be the only person that hasn't won on the team. I don't know to be introduced anymore like that.

It was funny because it was my picture and under the graphics says, second place. I was like, come on. That's so sad. (Smiling.)

Q. If you look at recent events, somebody like Megan who has had a similar journey. It took her as many years to get the first win. Does that inspire you and calm you down a little bit. Like it's going to happen; you're just due at some point?

ANGEL YIN: I don't know if I feel inspired, but, yeah, I just feel like hopefully it will come. If not, then I don't know what to do. Can't rob someone of a trophy, so I got to still play to win (smiling.)

Just have to be patient and steady.

THE MODERATOR: Awesome, well thank you so much, Angel.

ANGEL YIN: Thank you.

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