Buick LPGA Shanghai

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Shanghai, China

Qizhong Garden Golf Club

Lilia Vu

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, Lilia, what a wonderful birthday gift to see yourself move up the leaderboard here at the Buick LPGA a Shanghai. Just overall what was the mindset heading into moving day today?

LILIA VU: Probably no expectations. I think I just came in and tried to birdie every single hole, and if I didn't, it was okay, and then move on and try again after.

Q. Absolutely. I know the beginning of the week kind of came in a little bit late, so not able to have maybe the normal practice routine that you did. To be able to play the way that you were, are you feeling more confident in this course and how you're seeing it?

LILIA VU: Yeah, I usually tend to play better as the week goes on, like more reps in, so I'm not too worried about tomorrow. I told Cole, at least tomorrow we get to go out there and try and have a birdiefest.

Q. What were some of the most memorable looks out there, especially on the front nine?

LILIA VU: I think the second hole. So I bogeyed the first hole, and there was a little mud on my ball, so I hit a really good approach shot and then it went diving left. I was like, trust me, Cole, that wasn't me. That was the ball and the mud.

And then so I was kind of upset from that bogey, and then stuck my pitching wedge to like a foot on the next hole and I was like, oh, we're okay. I'm not bad at golf. So and then after that, I was like, oh, we're chillin', and played my normal game.

Q. Were you able to see where you were on the leaderboard to know there is not too many out there? Are you one to look at leaderboards or focus on your own game?

LILIA VU: I used to not look at leaderboards because I think just the fear, and then not going to let that fear control me so I just like look now. I'm look, okay, everyone is playing well, so I don't know.

Q. First time the LPGA has been back in Shanghai in quite a few years. I know this is your first time here. To kind of take in what these crowds are like and playing with some of the country favorites, just what has this week been like for you through 54 holes?

LILIA VU: I think it's been really fun. I think people are very energetic and super happy to have kind of like a golf sporting event again.

I think they're very passionate, and it's cool to see that they know who I am, too. So it's been really cute seeing all of them and all the little kids out here.

Q. What do you take away from today's round as you head into the final day tomorrow in contention?

LILIA VU: That if there are holes left, there are birdies left, so not get too down on myself. Just try my best.

Q. There were a couple reachable holes today, especially the reachable par-4. How important is it to capitalize on moments like that?

LILIA VU: I didn't really think about capitalizing. I just know that once my caddie said there was a reachable par-4 on the next hole I was so excited for it. I was like, we should always have a reachable par-4.

Q. With that, too, on the other side of the world -- and I'm bringing this up because you played alongside her at the Solheim Cup -- but Lexi Thompson showing up and showing out against the men; missing the cut by a few, but still being one of three women to be under par. You just spent a whole week with her at Solheim. When you see someone like Lexi do what she did at the PGA TOUR, did you follow what was going on? What were some of the things that you saw and how proud are you of your teammate?

LILIA VU: Yeah, oh, my gosh, Lexi is a tremendous person. I love her. She's super nice and I wanted her to do well so badly. I would wake up and kind of like see, refresh PGA TOUR to see how she was doing. I saw a highlight reel of her driving the green on one of the par-4s. Yeah, that's some pretty big stuff.

I saw that her strokes gained on putting was a full stroke. She's good enough play out there. She did not even come close to the bottom of the pile. Really shows how much the women's games are comparable to the men's. She was playing the men's tees, not only that, and just keeping up with them. So it was really cool to see. I'm really proud of her.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
138028-1-1041 2023-10-14 07:51:00 GMT

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