FM Championship

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Boston, Massachusetts, USA

TPC Boston

Jeeno Thitikul

Quick Quotes


Q. I am here with Jeeno Thitikul after her first round to the FM Championship. This is a brand new event. What was it like teeing it up for the first time here in Boston today?

JEENO THITIKUL: Actually, my team and me, we just like figure it out if we going to play here or not, but I'm just saying I'm going to play.

It's new event. Also in Boston. So I'm just like definitely I'm going to play. I know we came back from Europe, but like I really looking forward to play here.

Q. What was it that you were looking forward to? What made you want to play here?

JEENO THITIKUL: Food. (Smiling.) Like downtown Boston has so many Asian food. That's pretty much the reason why.

Q. Got it. Jeeno, ever the foodie. Was playing in the morning good? Can you get out in get some of that food tonight?

JEENO THITIKUL: Yeah, I just trying to convince my team that we should go to like downtown Boston to get really good food out there. I know it's kind of a little bit drive, but, yeah. I mean, I can drive for like an hour, two hour for food.

Q. Anything in particular you're hoping for?

JEENO THITIKUL: Pretty much Asian. Last week we got in Scotland and we don't really have Asian food much. So, yeah, Thai people love Asian food.

Q. How did the course play? How do you feel like the set up was for first time?

JEENO THITIKUL: Yeah, I thought it's kind of -- the green is kind of firm and super fast, which is like completely different than last week we played in Scotland. But when I came here, the course is just like, whoa, it's feel weird because we don't have that much windy as last week.

Obviously the course still tough to play. The green, it's not wide, so, yeah, it's a number and calculate it. Got to be on your game in the next three rounds as well.

Q. Where Massachusetts is located, coming from Great Britain, is this kind of an ideal spot if you have to play a tournament right after crossing the Atlantic? Is this in a pretty good spot? It's not like you're going to California, is somewhere in the south. It's a pretty reasonable jump over.

JEENO THITIKUL: Yeah, pretty much. Like I said, I really looking forward to come here. I think it's kind of new event and when I heard it's in Boston I'm just like, wow, it should be fun; should be like all the atmosphere is going to be pretty nice.

And also the weather, it's kind of nice for us, too. So, yeah.

Q. I know you've had a lighter schedule had year. How is everything feeling and how is your game coming together the past couple weeks? I know you just played the major last week.

JEENO THITIKUL: Yeah, I think I feel pretty good about all my game that I have. Yeah, I mean, it's not like -- I mean, my thumb, it's not like 100%. It's like 80, 70. But it's playable with it.

But all the thing that's in my game, it's pretty much in the right direction, so for the past few weeks I think I gain for confident with it.

Q. And how happy are you with a top 20 finish last week? I know the conditions were really hard. How did that finish feel?

JEENO THITIKUL: Feel pretty amazing with it. Feel like I said, every time I play the links course I always found it's hard, hard to play. But in different side, I think sometime it's easier because like you just -- what my job is just hit to the starting point. That will help you to get there.

So I would say if I play like in St Andrews Old Course last three years, younger than this, I wouldn't play that good. Yeah, I guess I like play links more now. Yeah, like just really impressed I can play this good on the links.

Q. Just one more question about the name change. Why can you decide in the middle of the season to go by Jeeno now?

JEENO THITIKUL: I think for me, it's just easier for pronouncer, for the Podcast, and for everyone to remember. Just it's short and then also it's kind of unique as well.

Like the way how I write it and the way how it's pronounced. I think it's unique and easier than Atthaya.

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