Southeastern Conference Football Championship Game: Georgia vs Texas

Monday, December 2, 2024

Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Mercedes-Benz Stadium

Georgia Bulldogs

Malaki Starks

Press Conference

CHUCK DUNLAP: We'll take questions for Malaki.

Q. What do you recall from the first meeting? Do you like the idea of playing a team twice in this situation?

MALAKI STARKS: I mean, yeah. I think the biggest thing I remember is that they have a very explosive offense. They're very well-coached. They got great athletes everywhere. They really do.

I don't mind going against a team twice. I think it's a little bit different. It's never the same. Teams grow and they change. You can't hang or your hat on the last one, win or lose.

I'm excited to compete. They got a really good team and I know the guys are ready.

Q. Do you like having them closer to home this time around?

MALAKI STARKS: It never hurts being closer to home. It never hurts.

Q. When you know you might potentially face two quarterbacks, how does that impact your week of preparation?

MALAKI STARKS: I think the biggest thing is just knowing the strengths and weaknesses of both quarterbacks. You can't play both the same because they're not the same quarterback. They're good at two different things.

They're both good at throwing the ball, but they both have different qualities that makes them a really good quarterback that they are. You just have to prepare. Even like just calling the game, you got to call the game different when you have two different guys in.

When you look at the preparation we had last week. Philo didn't get in. We had a completely different game plan for Philo than we did King.

I think it's just knowing the opponents and knowing what they're good at.

Q. When you play a game as emotionally draining as that was against Tech, as long of a game as that is, how long did it take you to recover, get into prep mode?

MALAKI STARKS: Yeah, I think we had a long game. The good thing about having the game on the Friday, you have Saturday off. Had treatment at the facility, but that was it. So you have that Saturday.

Sunday you come back and you put Georgia Tech to bed, you go back to work. There's another game that needs to be played. You can't hang your hat on the last game, no matter how short of a week it was, how long of a game it was. You just got to treat it like a regular week.

CHUCK DUNLAP: Malaki, that's all today. Thank you very much.

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