Southeastern Conference Football Championship Game: Georgia vs Texas

Monday, December 2, 2024

Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Mercedes-Benz Stadium

Texas Longhorns

Quintrevion Wisner

Press Conference

CHUCK DUNLAP: We'll continue with questions for Quintrevion.

Q. Sark was talking about how Georgia deserves to get y'all's best shot. He referenced several times you didn't play that well on offense. What disappointed you the most about the first Georgia game? How does that change how you prepare for this rematch?

QUINTREVION WISNER: I would definitely say the thing that disappointed me the most was me just not stepping up for my guys, for my teammates, for the program whenever my name was called.

Something that I'm doing to help me going forward into these matches, I'm just coming in each day of the week, locking into the little things, the little details we're going over, making sure I got the game plan tied down and being ready for the guys.

Q. In what ways or what areas of your game do you think you've grown since the Georgia game?

QUINTREVION WISNER: I've definitely grown in my eye discipline. When I say that, whenever I'm getting ready to run a route, I have to make sure my eyes are in the right area. That way it give my O-line time to cover up the defensive players that is trying to tackle me. I'd definitely say my eye discipline has improved.

Q. Your evaluation of how the running backs have done in pass protection since the Georgia game, have y'all improved at all in your mind?

QUINTREVION WISNER: Wait. Could you ask that again?

Q. Have the running backs improved in pass protection since the Georgia game?

QUINTREVION WISNER: Yes, sir. That's something we definitely are buckling down on at practice. It comes down to a mindset thing. Just being able to fit the right gap for our quarterback, for the O-line. That way we can get the receivers the ball. That's definitely something we're locking down on at practice.

Q. Playing in a game like y'all did Saturday night, that hostile environment, does that help y'all one week out heading to play Georgia in its home state?

QUINTREVION WISNER: I feel like it definitely gives us a sense of urgency to get back in the lab, lock down on things we might have messed up in this past game. That way going into Saturday, we have a straight head on, lock in on the details, be ready to compete.

Q. Have y'all had payback or revenge on the mind based on what happened in Austin?

QUINTREVION WISNER: No, sir. No revenge mindset. Like Coach Sark said, in order for us to play Georgia again, we have to earn it. This whole time we've had an 'earn it' mindset of a 'revenge' mindset.

Q. The Georgia game was obviously tough from a pass protection point of view. What did you learn when watching the film? How do you think that carries over to Saturday?

QUINTREVION WISNER: I definitely learned that in order for our offense to upgrade at a high level, the running backs have to step up in the pass protection perspective of things. Coach just keeps reiterating that we have to be there, five guys, we got to make the blocks that are needed to block.

Q. Do you think you'll be better prepared this week?

QUINTREVION WISNER: Coming in this week with our preparation at practice, we should be.

Q. How do you view playing Georgia a second time? Is that something that makes you more comfortable or uncomfortable?

QUINTREVION WISNER: It's something that definitely fuels our fire, gets us going considering all the hard work we put in. Something that Coach Choice keeps telling us, one time for the (indiscernible) time. You don't get this many opportunities to do something at this high level. We just blessed and honored to be able to do it.

Q. Sark talked about he challenged the backs and the offensive line to have more consistency in the run game. What's changed for you that's allowed the run game to be more consistent?

QUINTREVION WISNER: Like you said, just buying into the things that Coach Sark is putting out, just buying into having trust in our O-line unit. Them guys work real hard. At the end of the day I know they got our back so we have to have their back also.

CHUCK DUNLAP: That's going to wrap you up. Thank you very much.

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