Southeastern Conference Men's Basketball Tournament

Friday, March 12, 2021

Nashville, Tennessee, USA

Florida Gators

Noah Locke

Postgame Press Conference

Tennessee 78, Florida 66

THE MODERATOR: We'll take questions for Noah.

Q. Noah, can you give us your take on how the game started. They got off to a pretty good start in terms of they went up 20-10. Their defense set the tone from the beginning, didn't it?

NOAH LOCKE: Yeah, definitely did. We just made too many mistakes. We were just making mistake after mistake after mistake. Felt like we weren't responding the right way.

I mean, it just kept going downhill for us, especially on the defensive end. That's pretty much what it was.

Q. If you had to pinpoint some of those mistakes, could you list a couple, without pointing fingers?

NOAH LOCKE: Not boxing out on defense. Not boxing out on defense. Not being in the right positions defensively. Getting blown by while guarding the ball. Not going into the offensive glass as hard as we can.

It was pretty much a lot of different things that contributed to it.

Q. Noah, what was the atmosphere like out there? The announcers were saying it was pretty chippy, especially in the second half with the flagrant foul on Omar. Was there a lot of animosity out there?

NOAH LOCKE: I mean, it was a real physical game. Both of us, we were going back and forth, just showing our willingness to win. We both wanted to win the game. Just a lot of physicality out there. We were trying to stay locked in with our team, not to the other team, and try to get a technical foul or something like that. We were just trying to, you know, keep it all together.

I mean, I guess you could say it was definitely physical out there. But, yeah, that's pretty much all I can say.

Q. Were you on the floor when there was the flagrant with Omar? Did you get a view of what happened there?

NOAH LOCKE: No, I don't really know what happened.


FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
105513-1-1004 2021-03-12 22:50:00 GMT

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