Southeastern Conference Men's Basketball Tournament

Friday, March 12, 2021

Nashville, Tennessee, USA

Ole Miss Rebels

Romello White

Postgame Press Conference

LSU 76, Ole Miss 73

THE MODERATOR: Questions for Romello.

Q. Even though y'all lost tonight, you think y'all proved you are an NCAA tournament team?

ROMELLO WHITE: Definitely. I feel like we came out and played hard. I felt like we had a great game. We fought till the end. I feel like we definitely proved we're an NCAA tournament team. LSU is a tremendous team. They got a lot of great pieces. They're just a well-coached team, yeah. I give them credit.

But I definitely feel like we're a NCAA tournament team.

Q. Drastic difference, looked different than the first game. What enabled you guys to be successful this evening?

ROMELLO WHITE: I feel like it was a couple of toughness plays down the stretch that we just didn't come up with, a couple 50/50 balls. Just a couple fouls, just a little toughness things that we didn't execute today. I feel like that's what caused us to lose today.


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