Tennessee - 4, Florida - 0
KEVIN O'SULLIVAN: Congratulate Tennessee for moving on to The Finals tomorrow. Their starter did a really nice job. A little bit of a different look. He had some sink, fastball, and breaking ball. I think our timing was a little bit off. We felt like we hit with two strikes a ton today, but it was just one of those days.
We'll get ready -- we'll go back home tonight. We've been on the road for ten days now, and get ready for the selection show on Monday and have a really good week of practice.
Q. Obviously not the way you want to leave Hoover, but you have to be feeling good about your team heading into the NCAA Tournament, the way the pitching and hitting kind of showed up this week.
KEVIN O'SULLIVAN: I am pleased with how we played. I thought it started with Arkansas, to be honest with you. I thought we played three really competitive games. A couple of those games got away late. I thought we played really well up there even though we weren't able to get out with a win.
Obviously, starting pitching has been outstanding all week. We swung the bats. I think we learned a lot about our team. Getting Mac behind the plate, I think, solidified some things behind the plate. Made a decision to put Nathan at third. I think we learned a lot about our team over this past ten days, and I think it puts us in a much better position moving forward for a regional.
Q. And you talked to Brandon about it with him about Tyler Dyson's 2017. It seems like you're trying to kind of find that same kind of spark with him. He looked good today, just the one inning where he lost the zone a little bit. How have you seen him progress as the years have gone on?
KEVIN O'SULLIVAN: I'm really pleased with how he threw today. He had that one leadoff walk that ended up scoring and the one wild pitch, but other than that, he was on point. Fastballs located to both sides, his slider is much, much improved, and I thought his change-up was outstanding today.
As far as where he started from, from the beginning of the year to where he is now, I'm really pleased with where he's at. I do feel comfortable with him in some really tough situations moving forward.
Q. Since the report was out there, someone from The Advocate reported that LSU would be looking for a new coach and that you might be on the list. Just have to ask since the report is out there if you've talked to LSU, if you're happy at Florida.
KEVIN O'SULLIVAN: I mean, I can't control what people write. I'm the head coach of the University of Florida, and it's just that simple.
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