Q. Getting back out on the football field for the upcoming season.
KENYON GREEN: I'm looking forward to spending more time with my teammates, creating more bonds. For the O-line, just working hard, getting ready for the season.
Q. Reflecting back on the winning streak that you all had last year, it started right after the Alabama game. I'm just curious, what was the reaction to your team when you were reviewing the Alabama game film?
KENYON GREEN: Reviewing it we knew we made mistakes. Felt comfortable -- I mean, we feel confident in how we can get better. It was a little detail stuff that we messed up on that we could capitalize and change the game. This year that's what we really focused on, details. On every little thing: toughness, pride, grit, effort, things that Jimbo instilled in us.
Q. You guys lost a lot of linemen. Obviously, you're back to lead the group. How do you feel about the less experienced guys joining you on the line? How do you feel like the line's come together and how you guys are going to play this year?
KENYON GREEN: We have a lot of talent on the line. I'm not too worried about that. I feel confident in my teammates, in my O-line. We're going to be fine.
Q. What were you guys thinking when Jimbo this summer at the touchdown club event in Houston said that he wanted to and he expected to beat Saban while he was there at Alabama?
KENYON GREEN: Our coach is confident in our team, and I'm confident too. We're going to go out there, and we're going to play our game, and we're going to give it our all.
Q. What are your early impressions of Jamere Johnson, coming over from Tennessee, added to that O-line?
KENYON GREEN: Jamere is a great player. Everybody on O-line right now is doing a great job, in workouts, watching film. We really get into details on hand placement, footwork, and everything. So I feel like, as a unit, we're going to be a good O-line.
Q. Two parts. How have you got better this summer? How do you get better this summer? And piggy-back on David's question, how often do you guys talk about playing or beating Alabama?
KENYON GREEN: We talk about just executing throughout the season. That's one game. We try to win all our games. We have a common goal, get to the championship. So we're not too worried about just one game. What was the second question again?
Q. How did you get better this summer?
KENYON GREEN: I really just focus on my footwork, my hand placement, getting my body into the best shape that I can.
Q. Kenyon, don't know if you've heard that Isaiah and De'Vante had a deal, an NIL deal that paid them a lot of money. Do you think there's any concern that things like that could cause some rifts and division within the team?
KENYON GREEN: No, sir, not at all. I'm proud of them and excited they're taking everything they can from the NIL, making sure they have a great time, getting their deals and everything. That's separate from what we got on the field. That's personal to them.
We work hard as a team to make sure that everybody is on one accord, so I feel like we're going to be great.
Q. You guys got so close to the playoffs. You can't get any closer than fifth. As great a season you had, how frustrating was it to barely miss the playoffs? Does that add even a little more motivation to you all this season? Do you feel like you can be a great playoff team even with all the players you lost?
KENYON GREEN: We had a great season last year, but we focus on this season and what we can do this year. We've got to make sure we can win every game this year, make sure we can get to the common goal again and get to the National Championship.
Q. Kenyon, for those of us who haven't done it before, can you explain what it's like to transition to left tackle?
KENYON GREEN: It's a different game on the edge. So at guard you're more up close, more physical. It's quick. Tackle, you got to be more patient, hand placement, seeing little detail stuff, their rush. Do they count their steps, their tendencies, their moves, and everything.
So you've got to really pay attention to film, seeing what they really focus on.
Q. Obviously, Kellen Mond was your quarterback. I guess the whole time you've been there. He did a great job, and now he's in the NFL. How do you feel about the other quarterbacks, that competition, and if those guys can be the guys to lead you all to another great season?
KENYON GREEN: Yes, the quarterback room is working extremely hard right now. I'm proud of all of them. Whoever gets the job, they deserve it because it's not easy. It really is a great battle going on right now.
THE MODERATOR: Talk a little bit about last year was very disjointed. You weren't sure quite how the off-season was going, whether there would be a season. Has this felt a little more normal to you as you prepare for this season, just in preparation for going in?
KENYON GREEN: Yes. Last year we couldn't really be around each other, but the bonds we had and everything, that worked out. But for this season we're around each other all the time, and we can just make each other better with little detail stuff and just mindset really. Confidence, going out there and doing our best.
Q. Commissioner Sankey said earlier this week that 6 of 14 teams have been 80 percent vaccinated or more. How do you feel like the team has done with vaccination, and do you feel like vaccination can present a competitive advantage to teams who aren't more vaccinated?
KENYON GREEN: Our training staff is doing a great job with that, making sure that we're safe, healthy, but that's personal.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports