Bengals 37, Texans 31
Q. Your thoughts on your performance? Obviously not the result in terms of the scoreboard but just how you played?
DAVID JOHNSON: Played well. I still have that mentality of I always feel like I could do better. I left some yards on the field. I should have did a lot better. Guys were blocking so well for me all around, linemen, tight end, receivers, and I felt like it was a good game but I could have did a lot more.
Q. Is there some feeling especially with the state of the team, where was this all year, to have this kind of production and to get some things done that you wanted to get done earlier in the year?
DAVID JOHNSON: No. I mean, you're just taking what they were giving us. Like I said, guys were blocking well. The defense, what they were doing obviously wasn't working for them, and the play calls were working great.
Q. How frustrating is it to have that kind of performance overall on offense and still lose this game?
DAVID JOHNSON: It's obviously frustrating because no matter how well I did, you always want the win, man. You always want the win in our side. As much as yards I had and what I did successful, we didn't end up with a win, so it's tough.
Q. Did nothing change about you, either mentally, physically since you were out injured?
DAVID JOHNSON: Mentally, yeah. I've been just trying to get my mind right, talking to a professional about how to do my job, worry about what I'm doing, and he's been doing a great job with me and just trying to control what I can control.
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