Houston Texans Media Conference

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Houston, Texas, USA

David Johnson

Press Conference

Q. How is it having DeShaun here?

DAVID JOHNSON: It's been good, haven't wanted to speak too much about it because it's not my situation to talk about but it's good to see him out there.

Q. Is it any distraction that he's here?

DAVID JOHNSON: No, we're professionals, we know how to handle business, get the work done when we're out here on the field.

Q. Was it easier said than done to walk out the door?

DAVID JOHNSON: Yeah, especially for me personally because like I said, it's not my situation. I'm a running back. I mostly get that, especially the first couple days, get the ball handed off to me. It's easy for me to block out the noise and come out here and grind.

Q. See 23 running scout team?

DAVID JOHNSON: I didn't even see that. I was mostly trying to talk to our running back group and getting them involved in the offense.

Q. What are your impressions of Ty?

DAVID JOHNSON: Very good leader for us, vocal leader for us. I was training with him a little bit in the off-season. He throws a great ball. Communicates well. Pocket presence is great. Leadership is great for us.

Q. What's it like when you're a returning player on a team that has so many new guys?

DAVID JOHNSON: I feel like I'm on a new team, basically that's the gist of it. I feel like I'm the one who got traded or got picked up on a new team. But you know, I'm embracing it as much as I can. I feel like every year, for me has been a crazy situation with so many different coaching changes, head coaches and position coaches. So I was just really blessed and glad that we got Danny B back.

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