Houston Texans Media Conference

Saturday, August 14, 2021

Houston, Texas, USA

Scottie Philips

Press Conference

Houston Texans 26, Green Bay Packers 7 that was Chris somebody.

SCOTTIE PHILIPS: Had a little spirit last year, but I was able to get my feet wet in games and get a lot of carries. Felt comfortable and confident.

Q. With the run game, how did you feel -- and you had to adapt to some guys missing?

SCOTTIE PHILIPS: I think the guys did a great job of handling adversity, not knowing that we would have guys out. I feel like they did a good job and I was able to have a good game because of those guys.

Q. Other guys in the Pro Bowl --

SCOTTIE PHILIPS: Oh, yeah, definitely. I'm just like a sponge when I'm around them, soaking up everything I can get and taking it day-by-day, just learning from those guys and just -- I don't know, it's just exciting to be around toes guys. I grew up watching and being a fan, so it's a good feeling to be around those guys.

Q. I think you only had one penalty in the first half, and you're always talking about consistency. What did you notice about the fluidness of the offense?

SCOTTIE PHILIPS: I mean, that's something he harps on, day-in and day-out of just eliminate the presnap penalties and just staying focused and consistent. I think we did a good job of that today.

Q. Just talking about how you guys need to convert touchdowns; what were the things --

SCOTTIE PHILIPS: We just did a good job. The quarterbacks did a good job of taking control of the offense and just switching up the cadences and just -- we was just locked in.

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