Q. Asking you about the offensive line, specifically what do you see about Campen's coaching that you like?
DAVID CULLEY: He's so fundamentally sound. He's a guy that played the game, also in, this league, and you know, he's had a great reputation of developing guys. He's had really good foils where he's been before. He's taken young guys and developed them and gone on and had really good careers in this business. He's just been everything that we thought he would be.
Q. Do you expect Tytus to play against --
DAVID CULLEY: Not really sure yet. We'll know more tomorrow.
Q. Cam Johnston --
DAVID CULLEY: You know what obviously he's got a big leg, you know, the thing that we want to improve on and we talked about this with our special teams group is a lot of times when we are directional punting, it's got to be punting the right spot. We weren't as consistent as doing that in this past game and we have to get better at doing that.
We know he's got a big leg but it's more than just having a big leg and kicking the ball 50 yards down the field, directional punts and those kind of things and we are not there in getting that done.
Q. What do you think of Scottie Phillips and Darius Jackson on Saturday?
DAVID CULLEY: They ran hard, and basically we weren't surprised. Scottie is that kind of player. Scottie is a tough, hard-nosed, we didn't know a lot about Darius when we got in here but we did know that he was a very physical back and tough. And for him to come in on such a few days notice and go in and do the limited offense that we had when he was in there, I thought they both did an excellent job.
Q. Why was Deshaun not practicing?
DAVID CULLEY: Deshaun is here. Again, every day he's here, he comes in, he works. He does what we ask him to do, and you know, he's here every day and he's doing fine.
Q. Is he injured?
DAVID CULLEY: No, he's not injured. Each day -- we come up each day and we have a thing for him and basically we got done what we needed to get done yesterday in practice.
Q. Is there a specific reason why he didn't practice yesterday?
DAVID CULLEY: No, he got his work done yesterday. He just didn't get his work done when we were out here. We had a little different schedule yesterday but he got his work in and he's doing fine.
Q. He's still attending meetings, right?
DAVID CULLEY: Yes, he's doing everything, just like he has from day one.
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