Houston Texans Media Conference

Sunday, October 31, 2021

Houston, Texas, USA

David Culley

Postgame Press Conference

Rams - 38, Texans - 22

COACH CULLEY: To talk about, there was nobody that got hurt. Just some bumps and bruises that wasn't able to come back in and play. And also just want to congratulate Sean and the Rams. That's a very good football team. They played very well today. They whooped our butts.

Q. Why did Desmond King not play?

COACH CULLEY: Disciplinary reasons.

Q. Expected to play next week?

COACH CULLEY: We'll see.

Q. (Inaudible)?

COACH CULLEY: That's internal, it was a disciplinary thing that we keep in-house.

Q. You keep talking about how you need to stop the penalties, and that they played, were able to do that. How disappointing is that that you keep doing the same thing?

COACH CULLEY: It's very disappointing. It's frustrating. We're going to keep coaching it just like we've been doing. I'm disappointed and I'm frustrated, but I'm not discouraged with this football team. Simply because I saw at the end there that, first of all, they're not going to quit.

We've just got to play better. We've got to coach better and we've got to continue to play better. We know what that process is. We know what we have to do. We're not there yet. We're going to keep coaching. We're going to keep coaching.

Q. With all the explosive plays on defense, where did you see the lapses, the problems there?

COACH CULLEY: The same thing before, miscommunication, guys not being where they should be. As I said before, just about our penalties and those kind of things. We've got to keep coaching that.

We haven't done a good job preventing that from happening. It doesn't matter who is back there when we're doing that.

Q. You've talked about switching people in, being able to forget the last play. One Ronnie came off the field and looked like you were talking. What was that shared moment?

COACH CULLEY: I was just encouraging him right there to, hey, be where you need to be, do what you need to do. Things will happen. Obviously later on he went back in and he played.

Q. With the trade deadline approaching, do you know if you're all planning to trade Deshaun Watson? What have the conversations been?

COACH CULLEY: That's up to Nick.

Q. Obviously when the Rams were up at 38, changed the coverage. So you don't make big plays. But still what did you see in the fourth quarter? What did you think about it?

COACH CULLEY: I thought at that point they knew we were going to have to throw the ball. We knew they were still going to come and blitz us. And they did. Basically we were just in a situation where we went up tempo, which actually helped us a little bit, kind of gave us a little change of pace. And he handled it very well. He handled it very well, our entire offense handled it very well.

We were in a pass mode at that point. And he did a good job of distributing the ball. And our guys did a good job of making the play. And up front they did a good job of protecting.

Q. (Indiscernible) how tough is it for anybody especially a rookie to try to progress the way he did, the concentration?

COACH CULLEY: He's progressing. That's a learning experience for him. The thing about it is during that time anytime they had pressure on him, the one thing he didn't do he did not mishandle the football during that pressure. He protected the ball.

The interception he had was just a poor throw. Had nothing to do with pressure. Right outside the pocket, made a poor throw and they got an interception.

But he's progressing very well. And I like where he's at right now. And I like what he did with our offense at the end of the game, the way he handled things. And he's just getting better and better.

Q. You're trying to establish a culture this year. How do you do that, how does losing make it more difficult to do what you're trying to do in terms of trying to establish the culture with your guys?

COACH CULLEY: We have short memories. Win or lose. And the only thing that matters is the next game. And in our case we've gone, I guess, seven games now without a win. And we're going to come back tomorrow. We're going to look at it, correct it, and then move on to Miami and never look back on this and just try to get that next win.

Q. What was it about this matchup that made Rex Burkehead much more of a factor today than he had in previous games, than previously, beyond you traded Mark Ingram, obviously?

COACH CULLEY: He was more effective because we got in the hurry-up mode. He's like David, is very good out of the backfield in that particular situation. I feel they're looking for the pass. Got nice runs off the draws from him. And that's what he's been in this league. The opportunity was there for him to do that and he did a nice job of that.

Q. What did you see from Brevin Jordan today, his first game, and do you feel like he's ready to play in games ahead?

COACH CULLEY: He showed today that he deserves an opportunity. He got it today basically the way he practiced, not so much today because of Farrell being hurt. But he did a nice job. And that's what we expected out of him. He's been showing that. He's been practicing well. He's been doing the things we wanted him to do. He deserved an opportunity to play today. And it looks like from what I saw other than the touchdown that he did a nice job.

Q. Up tempo become more a better part of the menu now? You've seen the production that you can hang your hat on. Will it be a better part of it?

COACH CULLEY: That's something we'll think about, talk about as a staff. Obviously it worked for us in this particular situation. I mean, we're down. They're playing us completely different. It's different when you're in the middle of a game and you're doing that, and you have to be effective when you do that.

And we're fortunate because of the situation of the game to be able to do that. But that's something we'll talk about.

And Davis liked that. I went to him, said we're going up tempo, how do you feel about it? He said let's go.

Q. Where do you think Davis is with recognizing pressure, something he struggled with early on?

COACH CULLEY: I don't think him recognizing it had anything to do with it. Basically we didn't block well on some of those pressures today. The fact that he held onto the ball and was able to not have a bad play, I thought, was a positive because he knew there was nothing he could do.

All we tell him in that situation is you protect the football. That happens. Last week that happened to him one time he didn't because he didn't see it. He saw things today. And he did a nice job of doing that.

Q. Kept finding you guys got the score closer, but they're pulling their quarterback after three quarters, it was what it was, a lopsided game; what's the message to the guys?

COACH CULLEY: The message is it doesn't matter who is out there. This is the NFL. You just play and you play the best you can play. You do the best you can do. And at that situation, those guys out there playing didn't know who was out there, who is not playing, if it's the first team or the second team. They're just playing football.

Q. Ever part of the regular season team where a team pulled their quarterback in the fourth? Have you been in a game previously where a team pulled their quarterback in the fourth? How do you use that?

COACH CULLEY: I can't recall.

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114270-1-1045 2021-10-31 21:00:00 GMT

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