Houston Texans Media Conference

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Houston, Texas, USA

Kamu Grugier-Hill

Postgame Press Conference

Colts- 31, Texans - 0

Q. (Indiscernible). You've never done that before?

KAMU GRUGIER-HILL: It's an honor. I can't lie. My whole career I've been pigeonholed as a good special teamer, come in on core downs. And to have this accomplishment, like in this franchise, a place I want to be, just prove to everyone that I can be a real starter, real player in this league, a legit player.

It's definitely an honor. I mean, we still -- we didn't win so it doesn't mean much, but you can't celebrate too many individual victories when we have a record like this, which sucks. But it's an honor.

Q. Taylor's last game you all knew you'd have to be there in the run game. What did you all do to counter that?

KAMU GRUGIER-HILL: He's up for the MVP right now. He's doing his thing. We put a huge emphasis on just got control and everyone just doing their job. And we couldn't do it. We have to continue to grind, continue to go through it.

Q. Where is the morale of the team, and where do you guys go from here after the couple --

KAMU GRUGIER-HILL: I think we're just trying to figure it out. We're trying to figure everything out at every phase. I can only speak for the defense. We don't have it figured out. We're giving up 31 points. We're doing all that stuff.

We're slowly trying to figure it out and just keep pushing, trying to get better every week. Even with our record we're just trying to look at how can we get better every single week.

Q. (Indiscernible) signed a one-year contract. Given the role you've had, success you've had. Is that something where you want to stay?

KAMU GRUGIER-HILL: I love it here. I really do. It's been a frustrating year for sure. But I can see the bones that they're trying to instill and have here and the culture here. It may not look like it right now, but I think this could be a place that I want to be. And I want to help build the culture. I want to help grow and be part of it.

Q. How can you see that?

KAMU GRUGIER-HILL: You can see the bones, you can see the guys we have. There's great guys. I said this last week. We have a record at, what, 2-10 now, and you would think that the locker room would be toxic and everyone is pointing fingers at everyone. But it's really not that.

We're just trying to figure it out. We have great guys in the locker room. Everyone comes to work every day, does their thing and we're just trying to figure it out.

Q. What's it like as the game develops and you see the scoreboard, for lack of a better word just how bad they were. 31-0, how is that on your pride?

KAMU GRUGIER-HILL: It's rough. We are just trying to control what we can control. Defense, they keep scoring. We've got to stop them. That's on us. You can say whatever you want about any other phase. But team's putting up 31 points.

Q. Garret Wallow, thoughts on him stepping in?

KAMU GRUGIER-HILL: Good player since the beginning. Excited for him. To come in, get some legit playing against a good team, playoff team. I think he did well, too. I'm excited for him.

Q. Can you explain (inaudible) couple times you made some nice scrapes? What would make (inaudible) everything, what would circumvent (inaudible)?

KAMU GRUGIER-HILL: I don't know, it's just one of those days. I just felt, like I said, we put a huge emphasis this week on the run game. Me and Kirko, the LBs, we had a feel for where they wanted to run the ball, certain situations which way they were going. Didn't look like that because we gave up so many rushing yards.

But I didn't play a perfect game, for sure. I left a lot of plays out there. And there's always room to improve.

Q. (Indiscernible) four times this year taken out of the game, being inactive or missing time. Twice it's been Zach, a guy in your room. What's your feeling how that's happened so many times?

KAMU GRUGIER-HILL: I can't really speak on that. I love Zach. Zach's a great guy. I can't comment on it.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
115337-1-1045 2021-12-05 21:44:00 GMT

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