Houston Texans Media Conference

Sunday, December 12, 2021

Houston, Texas, USA

Ka'imi Fairbairn

Postgame Press Conference

Seahawks - 33, Texans - 13

Q. (Question about the 61-yard field goal).

KA'IMI FAIRBAIRN: Yeah, it was pretty sweet. Felt good coming off the foot. I wish we got the win. It would have been that much sweeter.

Q. (Indiscernible) going into the kick (inaudible)?

KA'IMI FAIRBAIRN: Just kind of the same routine. Obviously it's a little longer, so I tried to get more behind it. But pretty much the same routine.

Q. What's the longest you've ever made just warming in the stadium?

KA'IMI FAIRBAIRN: In a stadium? That's a good question. I think we've hit from 65 before on a good day. But it was nice to get the opportunity before half. The offense got down there, set it up perfect.

Q. (Inaudible) roof was open, do you think? One or the other?

KA'IMI FAIRBAIRN: Maybe, maybe, I'm not too sure. There was a little swirl with the wind in there. But played it right and made it through.

Q. (Indiscernible) talking throughout the season, the point-afters are working through (indiscernible), to the point now, what throughout the season to making this kick feel like (inaudible)?

KA'IMI FAIRBAIRN: I think just riding the wave of ups and downs. Learning from each opportunity, whether it's make or miss. Try to learn more from the misses. It's a lot of mental game for me. And I try to work on that throughout the week and take one rep at a time. And I've been lucky to have good teammates, good coaches that believe in me, throwing me out there for a 61 yarder and lucky to make it.

Q. When did you find out? Did you think you were going to get that shot, did you get closer to halftime? How did you find out and how did you handle that to get yourself ready to do it?

KA'IMI FAIRBAIRN: Certainly when we cross a certain part of the field, third, fourth down, I'm ready regardless whether it's a 60- or a 30-yarder. So when it comes to third down during that point on the field -- and obviously when it's halftime, we'll try longer attempts. So I was just ready when my name was called.

Q. How important was it being on the other side of the 50? The mental side, being on the other side of the 50, is that a big barrier for kickers?

KA'IMI FAIRBAIRN: No, yeah, I think long-distance kicks are fun. We practice them. And when you're lucky enough to get an opportunity to hit them, you want to execute.

Q. The second half they were thinking about a 59-yarder at that point. Did you feel that was based on the kick before and the confidence they had in you? What was the conversation there?

KA'IMI FAIRBAIRN: I think it was a little different just because of the point in the game and the score and it wasn't halftime. The last kick of the half, it's done. And they're not going to get the ball at half field. So it's a little different situation. But it didn't work out and we just move on.

Q. When the offense is struggling the way it has, how do you not put or do you at all put any extra pressure on yourself to make kicks whether it's a PAT after you all score or a chip shot or a 61-yarder, do you feel that?

KA'IMI FAIRBAIRN: No, I just try to block out the situations regardless. Whether it's a PAT or 30-yarder or 60-yarder, try to act the same way regardless of the situation. So it's going through a routine. We practice it throughout the week. And you just execute when your name is called.

Q. (Indiscernible) preseason the strain, how long did it take to work through that? Did it affect your (inaudible) at the beginning of the year. How long did it take to get out of that?

KA'IMI FAIRBAIRN: It was just a groin injury. Moved past it. And worked my body back into kicking shape. And glad we got that fixed and kicking well now.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
115473-1-1045 2021-12-12 22:33:00 GMT

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