Q. We saw the team together before the scrimmage in prayer for Fitzpatrick. How difficult was that? I know you and Ryan have shared a lot of moments together. How difficult was it to see Ryan going through what he's going through right now?
JOSH ROSEN: It's a brutal situation. And I just tried to support him like anyway I could these last couple days, weeks and months. But I mean, Ryan's mom raised a hell of a kid. Really strong, awesome, independent kind dude and I've been fortunate enough to be around him these last couple months, almost a year now, probably. And yeah, it's a tough situation, but kind of puts everything into perspective and reminds you that we all are still human and human things happen.
Q. The touchdown pass you had to Lewis, it looked like you had some tight coverage there and were able to find that tight window. Can you tell us when you saw in that play?
JOSH ROSEN: It wasn't wide open it. Was more of kind of an opportunity ball. He was running a corner route, and corner kind of fell off into it a little bit under thrown and Ricardo made a hell of a play.
So they were a little bit scrambling there, so I just kind of snapped it quick. I didn't get a crystal clear view of the coverage but I knew who I wanted to throw it and he made the play.
Q. You had I guess in my view what looked like the throw of the day to Malcolm, looked like a go route. Can you tell me what you saw, and trying to get it to him on the money with tight coverage?
JOSH ROSEN: So that's not really a part of our read, but the first two guys I was going to kind of got trapped inside on some breaking routes and like in my vision through them, I kind of see the go behind it and kind of just notice that Malcolm had to step on it and just thought I would chuck it, the lone safety in the field. I didn't think he he was going to track it down. It really waned kind of a plan. It was more of a reaction because my first couple guys got stuck inside, but yeah.
Q. At the same time, only really red zone attack of the day, score of the day, was you and Ricardo. Can you break down what happened on that play? Was that your first read? Looked like you looked a couple times around?
JOSH ROSEN: No, I knew I wanted to go there. As I said earlier, the defense was scrambling and weren't necessarily lined up. We had a motion and a lot of guys that were crossing so we knew there was going to be some communication issues. The deepest developing round was the one I was planning on throwing to so I slid over to it -- tried to let everyone get confused and Ricardo made the play.
Q. Two of six, what does that mean to you, if anything and what was your reaction when Coach asked you to get on the field --
JOSH ROSEN: I don't really think there's much to look into. I mean, we manufactured some situations throughout the game for the sake of practice. So like we had some two-minute drills that weren't necessarily two-minute. We had a fumble on my drive that we didn't rule a fumble just for the sake of we wanted to keep it going. There were a couple of first downs and we moved it along. I wouldn't really look anything into it. It was definitely a sloppy day I would say on offense overall. I carried a good amount of the burden with that. I was a little slow calling plays. I think I could have -- I think I was just a little bit sort of slow overall, and I think tried to get everyone on the same page moving a little quicker in the second half and near the end of it, I think we put a really good drive together. But I think we have a lot of things to learn and -- or a lot to learn from now, and I think there's some good film to watch and get better.
Q. I know last time we talked to you, you mentioned that you weren't really worried about the quarterback job. Obviously things have become a little more complicated with Fitz's absence. What do you think it would mean if for whatever reason you were the guys that got the point?
JOSH ROSEN: It would be awesome. I would be ecstatic. It's 2020. Anything can happen. Quarterbacks can get sick. When coaches, coordinators go down -- like who knows. I'm going to stay ready. I hope I can one day play here and I'm ready to seize my opportunity, but I'm not really focusing on all that much right now. I'm just trying to not throw picks in a scrimmage.
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