Miami Dolphins Media Conference

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Miami, Florida, USA

Mike Gesicki

Postgame Presser

Buffalo Bills 31, Miami Dolphins 28

Q. When you saw that those linebackers, their starting linebackers, were not going to be playing in this game, did you look at this as an opportunity for you to eat in the middle of the field?

MIKE GESICKI no different than any other week, man. Just attacking it. Just trying to do the best of my abilities, trying to do what the coaches put a lot of guys on this position to be successful and I'm just trying to play my role.

Q. From just a fan's perspective, seeing people actually in the stadium, what was that like for you as a player, and did it kind of pump you up even a little bit? Better than the crowd noise, I assume?

MIKE GESICKI yeah, it was great. It was awesome to have fans there. It was a good atmosphere to obviously having none last week. It felt good to get some people back in the stadium, but we have to be able to close some things out and win some games for them.

Q. Can you tell me about some of the things that enabled you to have success on the field today?

MIKE GESICKI I think it goes back to coaching. I think George does a great job with us. Chan does a great job with the scheme and all the guys on the field, whether it's fits putting the ball exactly where it needs to be, o-line doing a great job for him, or the backs and the receivers running their routes and getting open, making plays, it makes it a lot easier on everybody else to go out and make plays.

Q. Can you take us to the play where you went back and caught the football -- I know you don't like to lose but how does it feel to offensively get into some rhythm and put points on the scoreboard and how much can that help you guys moving forward?

MIKE GESICKI yeah, I feel like as a team, we played well but just have to be able to do a little bit more and finish.

Overall I feel like everybody exceeded in their roles and did what they had to do, but as a team, you have to come together and do just a little bit more to come out on ton. Ultimately, I was just happy to go out and make the most of my opportunities. I think that we've got to just finish a little bit.

Q. In terms of your evolution as a tight end, do you feel like the ability to move you around and flex you out is helping you sort of get in position to make plays?

MIKE GESICKI I think that the coaches have done a good job putting people in position to be successful and then I think just going out there and playing with Fitz and him putting the ball in position for receivers, tight ends, running backs, anybody that's catching the football from him. He does a great job looking people off. He does a great job throwing the ball away from the defender. He does a great job giving people a chance to be successful. I think he deserves a ton of credit for everybody's success on the field because he makes all of his teammates better. That's what makes him special.

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