Miami Dolphins Media Conference

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Miami, Florida, USA

Noah Igbinoghene

Postgame Presser

Buffalo Bills 31, Miami Dolphins 28.

Q. Obviously a rough day for you at the office. How do you take how everything happened out there and how do you move forward with it?

NOAH IGBINOGHENE: It's definitely a teaching moment. I learned a lot today, not only about this team but about myself. Of course I didn't play up to my standard at all. I've got to move past it and move on to the next game. That's all I can do, just learn from it.

Q. Seemed like you were exclusively covering Stefon Diggs. Was that one of the biggest challenges you've had from a football standpoint?

NOAH IGBINOGHENE: I've had many challenges. Of course, he's one of the top receivers in the league, and it's for a reason. He's a very good player. Tremendous route runner, stuff like that. Like I said before, I learned a lot today, not only by him but myself, as well, but you've got to respond and come back next week.

Q. Just piggybacking off of that, with Diggs, I know you were backing up both X and Byron, did you know that if somebody got hurt, you would be the guy on Diggs or was it depending on who you went in for?

NOAH IGBINOGHENE: Yes, I knew. I knew. Byron went down so I just had to step up, so exactly what I did.

Q. What were your first observations of playing against Josh Allen and just also observing his ability to extend plays and move around with his feet?

NOAH IGBINOGHENE: I never really seen a quarterback extend plays like that, especially as long as I played football, I never really seen that, especially playing corner, that's something new I experienced today. Like I said before, it's a teaching moment for me and I've got to respond and I will.

Q. When Byron went out in the first drive, what were some of the things that went through your mind?

NOAH IGBINOGHENE: Step up, locking in. I was locked in -- before he went down, I just knew I had to step up and be the next man up and that's exactly what I did.

Q. You talked about this being a teaching moment, and with the Thursday night coming up quickly, was there something the veterans said to you to make sure you don't get your spirits down?

NOAH IGBINOGHENE: It's the league, it's going to happen and it happens to everybody. I hold myself to a high standard, so of course I didn't want that to happen but it did happen and there's nothing I can do about it. I just have to move on as a man and that's what I'll do.

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