Miami Dolphins Media Conference

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Miami, Florida, USA

Emmanuel Ogbah

Postgame Presser

Dolphins 24, Jets 0

Q. Take us back to that big sack, 28 yards. What was that pursuit like to bring him down?

EMMANUEL OGBAH: I know a couple of plays before I had missed him. I just knew he wasn't going to get away from me this time, and I knew everyone pulled him up and he came back around, and I just saw him clear as day so I just took my shot.

Q. That's three consecutive games with a full sack for you now. What would you say is helping you bring your game together and really get the production on Sundays?

EMMANUEL OGBAH: Oh, it's just good feeling, steady good coaching, just let me go out there and do my thing and they trust me, I trust them and they put me in the right position to make plays.

Q. You guys have really turned it on defensively over the last few weeks. What has been the difference from the first two weeks where you struggled a bit?

EMMANUEL OGBAH: You know, the first game we have to get used to working together, so I think it took us a little time, but I think we're on the right path now, just got to keep it going, keep building.

Q. You just talked about the right path. You lead the team right now in sacks with five. Is this kind of what you envisioned when you came to this team in the off-season and this is what you guys are capable of?

EMMANUEL OGBAH: Yeah, my goal every game is just to make plays to help my team win games. That's why they brought me here, and that's what I'm here to do.

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