Miami Dolphins Media Conference

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Miami, Florida, USA

DeAndre Washington

Postgame Presser

Q. What was it like coming into this game or yesterday knowing that you were going to get the opportunity to be a featured back against your former team?

DeANDRE WASHINGTON: It's just crazy how this league works. It's just a crazy season with everything going on. When I got the call, I definitely was ready, put in a lot of good work this week. So I was just excited to get back out there and get back in the mix a little bit.

Q. DeAndre, I wanted to ask you, what was the mood like on the sideline after you guys went down 30-10, and what was maybe the kickstart of you guys coming back there in the fourth quarter?

DeANDRE WASHINGTON: We knew what type of game it was going to be. These guys can score in bunches. That's what they've kind of put on film throughout the year, so we knew what we were up against. We also knew that we had the ability, if we just executed, once we were able to get the hurry-up offense going, we were able to make some plays and just came up a little bit short at the end, unfortunately. I was just glad how this team, how we fought all the way to the end for sure.

Q. DeAndre, what was it like to play against your former team?

DeANDRE WASHINGTON: It was cool, man. It's a crazy league. It was good to see some of those guys, but I'd definitely much rather walk away with a win. But we're going to get back to it and make the stretch run and try to get in the playoffs.

Q. DeAndre, did you learn anything about the culture in just your time being here and just being able to come from behind the way you guys did and make this one a game?

DeANDRE WASHINGTON: This team fights to the end. I think, when adversity hit, guys on defense kept making plays after plays and really kind of kept us in the ball game. Guys didn't flinch. We came up a little bit short at the end. Like I said, I'm just glad the way everybody fought all the way to the end against the reigning champs.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
103433-1-1182 2020-12-13 22:16:00 GMT

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