Miami Dolphins 22, New England Patriots 12
Q. I know it's pretty raw, the game just being over but your overall thoughts on missing out on the postseason this year.
JAKOBI MEYERS: I mean, it hurt, you know, but it's a feeling we can take and use it. You don't really judge a man by winning up. You judge a man by winning down. We have to see what we're made of and bounce back and see what we can do next year.
Q. Just your evaluation of what happened today, obviously you guys struggled in the red zone again, weren't able to get into the end zone, accumulated some yardage. Your thoughts on the offense today.
JAKOBI MEYERS: Just got to execute better, you know, especially me. The team put me in a position to make plays and help the team win. I didn't do my job to the best of my ability. Got to execute better and I have to take that on personally for sure.
Q. Do you feel like with the offensive struggle this year, it has been a collective thing and you can't put blame on one specific individual for why you guys have had some difficulties.
JAKOBI MEYERS: It's a team sport, you know, you don't go out there and just swing by yourself. It's definitely a group effort and you've got to pull it together as a group and fix it.
Q. Sorry if you've already answered this but what was the mood in the locker room after the game when you realized you're not going to go to the playoffs?
JAKOBI MEYERS: Approval athletes in the locker room, and so we understand what is at stake and we have to take that on the chin and bounce back and keep fighting. We started something. Definitely got to fin tissue.
Q. That attitude about finishing, how important are the next two games like you just said to make sure you can go out as strong as you can go out?
JAKOBI MEYERS: Doesn't matter if you're playing for the postseason or you're playing just to play. You go out there and if it's something you love, you go out there and put your best foot forward every time you can. I know personally I'm going to keep doing that and try to improve and get better every game.
Q. Last couple of games, the offense hasn't been able to find the end zone. You mentioned execution. Is there anything else you guys can do to make sure you get to the end zone?
JAKOBI MEYERS: No, that's pretty much it. That's all I got for you. Got to execute.
Q. Sorry if you were asked this, just after the fumble how good did it feel to make that 35-yard catch and run?
JAKOBI MEYERS: I know I couldn't take it back but it's up to the coach's trust to put the ball back into my hands. It's something I have to hold in my heart and not let it happen again. The coaches trust me to put the ball in my hands, I can't be putting it on the ground.
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