Dolphins - 17, Texans - 9
COACH CULLEY: I want to extend our condolences from the Texans for the tragedy that happened at Astroworld. I just want to say we're sorry for everybody involved in that deal.
Q. Could you describe your performance today?
COACH CULLEY: Very poor on offense. Our job on offense is to protect the football. Our job for our quarterback is to protect the football. We didn't do that today. When you do that, you get these results.
Q. Defense deserved better, didn't they?
COACH CULLEY: Our entire football team deserved better.
Q. Talk about Tyrone's inability to protect the football.
COACH CULLEY: You're right, that's unusual for him. His history has always been to protect the football. He didn't do that today. We'll have to look at the video to see why those things happened. But that hasn't been his MO, but it was today.
Q. Missing that much time. Can rest be a factor for a quarterback?
COACH CULLEY: I don't think so. When you go back to watch the video, you'll see why he did what he did. I think a couple of then were bad decisions. He tried to throw it out of bounds, didn't get it out of bounds. The first interceptions he had he was trying to throw it in the back of the end zone and he was short. The guy made a play on it.
Q. (Question off microphone)?
COACH CULLEY: No, he was given a signal.
Q. Where were the shortcomings that led to the pass protection, trying to fix that through the game?
COACH CULLEY: I wouldn't say it was just shortcomings as they got us a couple of times. We didn't get the ball out when we needed to get the ball out. We knew it was coming. We were prepared for it. We just didn't execute it very well. We didn't execute it.
Q. Talk about picking up -- you all had trouble (indiscernible)?
COACH CULLEY: We knew going into the game that this was a team that, with zero blitz, especially when you cross the 50-yard line, to try to back you up. We had a plan for it. We didn't execute it.
Q. How did you feel about the defense's performance with five turnovers?
COACH CULLEY: Usually when you get five turnovers for your defense you expect to win. But not when you have four on your offense.
Q. You mentioned starting Ty. Best chance to win where is the morale of this team after a game like that where he was supposed to give you a boost?
COACH CULLEY: Nobody's going to give you a boost playing quarterback when you turn the ball over like we turned the ball over today. And we expected that out of them. We didn't get it.
Q. How frustrating is it to have the ball in the red zone as much as you did?
COACH CULLEY: You're not going to win football games in this league kicking field goals. We had an opportunity to get points down there and touchdowns, and again we didn't execute it. We were down there. Previously in the past we've had trouble getting down in the red zone. We got down there this time but couldn't get it in the end zone.
Q. Would you have Ty start after the bye week?
COACH CULLEY: We'll look at the whole situation, when you're where we're at, you look at everything. We'll do that over the bye week.
Q. You mentioned kicking field goals was it a thought to go for it at fourth and one?
COACH CULLEY: Possibly. But at that time we feel like we needed points. We needed points. And it would keep us right in the game by getting the three points. And it did.
Q. What should make you confident, what makes the team confident that you're the right person to have this job?
COACH CULLEY: First of all, I've got a great locker room. And we understand the process. We're going through that process right now. And obviously we're not where we want to be. But we know we're going to get there. And we're going to stay the process.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports