Miami Dolphins Media Conference

Friday, November 12, 2021

Miami, Florida, USA

Head Coach John Harbaugh

Ravens Postgame Presser

Miami - 22, Baltimore - 10

JOHN HARBAUGH: Hat's off to the Dolphins. They played a very good football game. Outcoached us, outplayed us, and won the football game.

So the bottom line is this falls squarely on me as the head coach. We were not prepared the way we need to be prepared. Our schemes weren't up to snuff and we weren't prepared to execute the way we needed to. That's it.

Not on one player. Our players played their hearts out. They worked hard all week. We did everything we could to be prepared and we just weren't ready. That's on me.

Okay. What questions do you have?

Q. John, defensive -- or Dolphins defensively, seemed like they sent, you know, defensive back blitzes a lot. Was that something that they showed before or something you were prepared for?

JOHN HARBAUGH: That's something they've done all year. We worked on it all week. We didn't have a good enough plan for it, you know, as a group and we didn't execute well with the plan we had.

Q. It seemed like a lot of times, though, guys were getting out of the huddle late, they were snapping the ball with, you know, under five seconds a lot. It just seemed a lack of rhythm. What do you attribute that to?

JOHN HARBAUGH: I agree with that. It was hard to get first downs. So it's hard to get a rhythm when you can't get started. You know, too many times we didn't get started, too many three-and-outs.

And there was some crowd noise and things like that in terms of communication. And sometimes you got to handle blitzes and put plays together that are a little more complicated. That's no excuse.

We just didn't handle it well. They were blitzing us and we got to handle it better. And that's on us as coaches.

Q. John, I know you don't want to make any excuses before a short week. Traveling, a short week, humidity, how much of that was a factor you think?

JOHN HARBAUGH: That's the nature of the beast. You know, it's a road Thursday night game. It's hard to win on Thursday night, but we've done did before and we've been successful. We just played poorly and it's because of our coaching. I didn't do a good job getting these guys ready.

Q. Obviously, football's an emotional game. Is there any possibility that your team saw a two and seven team and decided --

JOHN HARBAUGH: No. No possibility of that. We watch the teams on tape. We know who the players are, we know what they're capable of, we know it's the National Football League. We're very conscious of that.

Q. John, how do you bounce -- I mean, obviously, a disappointing loss, but also you're still six and three. How do you kind of balance that as your message to the team?

JOHN HARBAUGH: Well, that's the reality of it. We got to go to work. We got to be better. So if we're going to win next week, we got to -- we'll play a lot better because we'll coach a lot better in Chicago.

Q. John, what happened on that Wilson play at the end there? Was that a miscommunication?

JOHN HARBAUGH: We weren't ready. We didn't do a good job of it. The boys weren't coached up well enough.

Q. Nine punts. Obviously, not what you want. What was -- is there an overlying theme of what kind of happened or what you guys were seeing?

JOHN HARBAUGH: Yeah, we didn't handle the blitz well at all. You know, it's basically an all-out zero coverage blitz. We're getting on second down, almost all of third downs. And we just did a poor job of it. The plan that we had wasn't up to par.

Q. John, is the Tavon injury minor or --

JOHN HARBAUGH: Don't know. I don't know. We haven't had any reports since he left the game on that.

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